★ This Pokémon is common.
★★ This Pokémon is uncommon, but not rare.
★★★ This Pokémon is harder to obtain, but not too elusive.
★★★★ This Pokémon is rare and hard to obtain or find.
★★★★★ This Pokémon is very rare and is very hard to obtain or find.
★★ This Pokémon is uncommon, but not rare.
★★★ This Pokémon is harder to obtain, but not too elusive.
★★★★ This Pokémon is rare and hard to obtain or find.
★★★★★ This Pokémon is very rare and is very hard to obtain or find.
#019-A Rattata ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Rattata Lv.20 Raticate
Rattata's Bio is coming soon!
#020-A Raicate ★★★
Location: Evovle Rattata
Evolution Info: Rattata Lv.20 Raticate
Raticate's Bio is coming soon!
#025-A Raichu ★★
Evolution Info: It is currently not known if this Pikachu can evolve
Pikachu's Bio is coming soon!
#026-A Raichu ★★★★★
Location: Other Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Raichu cannot evolve
Raichu's Bio is coming soon!
#027-A Sandshrew ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Sandshrew Lv.22 Sandslash
Sandshrew's Bio is coming soon!
#028-A Sandslash ★★★
Location: Evolve Sandshrew
Evolution Info: Sandshrew Lv.22 Sandslash
Sandslash's Bio is coming soon!
#037-A Vulpix ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Vulpix Lv.25 Ninetales
Alolan Vulpix have a small layer of cold air hanging around them. If they shake their fur little bits of ice appear.
#038-A Ninetales ★★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Vulpix Lv.25 Ninetales
Alolan Ninetales are said to have fae like powers that they use to trick travelers to go away from the mountains.
#050-A Diglett ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Diglett Lv.26 Dugtrio
Diglett's Bio is coming soon!
#051-A Dugtrio ★★★
Location: Evolve Diglett
Evolution Info: Diglett Lv.26 Dugtrio
Dugtrio's Bio is coming soon!
#052-A Meowth ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Meowth Lv.28 Persian
Meowth's Bio is coming soon!
#053-A Persian ★★★
Location: Evolve Meowth
Evolution Info: Meowth Lv.28 Persian
Persian's Bio is coming soon!
#074-A Geodude ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Geodude Lv.?? Graveler Lv.?? Golem
Geodude's Bio is coming soon!
#075-A Graveler ★★★
Location: Evolve Geodude, 3DS pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Geodude Lv.?? Graveler Lv.?? Golem
Graverler's Bio is coming soon!
#076-A Golem ★★★★
Location: Evolve Geodude
Evolution Info: Geodude Lv.?? Graveler Lv.?? Golem
Golem's Bio is coming soon!
#088-A Grimer ★★
Location: 3DS Pokémon Games
Evolution Info: Grimer Lv.38 Muk
Grimer's Bio is coming soon!
#089-A Muk ★★★
Location: Evolve Grimer
Evolution Info: Grimer Lv.38 Muk
Muk's Bio is coming soon!
#103-A Exeggutor ★★★
Location: Evolve Exeggcute
Evolution Info: Exeggcute Lv.30 Exeggutor
Exeggutor's Bio is coming soon!
#105-A Marowak ★★★
Location: Evolve Cubone
Evolution Info: Cubone Lv.28 Marowak
Marowak's Bio is coming soon!
#095-S Crystal Onix ★★★★
Location: Pokémon: Let’s Go! Pikachu & Eevee
Evolution Info: Crystal Onix cannot evolve
Crystal Onix's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S MissingNo ★★★★★
Location: Support Hub
Evolution Info: MissingNo cannot evolve
MissingNo's Bio is coming soon!
#482-S Azelf ★★★★★
Evolution Info: Azelf cannot evolve
Azelf's Bio is coming soon!
#025-E Halloween Pikachu ★★★★
Location: Special section doing Halloween
Evolution Info: Halloween Pikachu cannot evolve
Halloween Pikachu's Bio is coming soon!
#133-E Halloween Eevee ★★★★★
Location: Intro Lobby
Evolution Info: Halloween Eevee cannot evolve
Halloween Eevee's Bio is coming soon!
#025-E Surfing Pikachu ★★★★★
Location: Special section doing a Summer Event
Evolution Info: Surfing Pikachu cannot evolve
Surfing Pikachu's Bio is coming soon!
#025-E Rock Star Pikachu ★★★★★
Location: Info Desk
Evolution Info: Rock Star Pikachu cannot evolve
Surfing Pikachu's Bio is coming soon!
#025-E Libre Pikachu ★★★★★
Location: ValorDex
Evolution Info: Libre Pikachu cannot evolve
Surfing Pikachu's Bio is coming soon!
#808 Meltan ★★★★★
Location: ValorDex, Market, Question & Answer, Video games, Creative Zone
Evolution Info: Meltan Lv.100 Melmetal
Meltan's Bio is coming soon!
#809 Meltan ★★★★★
Location: Evolve Meltan
Evolution Info: Meltan Lv.100 Melmetal
Melmetal's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Old Amber ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Old Amber Lv.?? Aerodactyl
Old Amber's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Helix Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Helix Fossil Lv.?? Omanyte Lv.40 Omastar
Helix Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Dome Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Dome Fossil Lv.?? Kabuto Lv.40 Kabutops
Dome Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Root Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Root Fossil Lv.20 Lileep Lv.40 Cradily
Root Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Claw Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Claw Fossil Lv.20 Anorith Lv.40 Armaldo
Claw Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Armor Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Armor Fossil Lv.20 Shieldon Lv.30 Bastiodon
Armor Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Skull Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Skull Fossil Lv.20 Cranidos Lv.30 Rampardos
Skull Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Jaw Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Jaw Fossil Lv.?? Tyrunt Lv.?? Tyrantrum
Jaw Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Sail Fossil ★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Sail Fossil Lv.?? Amaura Lv.?? Aurorus
Jaw Fossil's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Articuno Egg ★★★
Location: Info Desk, Support Hub, Pokémon Catcher, ValorDex, Market, 3DS Pokémon Games, Other Pokémon Games, Pokémon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Articuno Egg Lv.40 Articuno
Articuno Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Zapdos Egg ★★★
Location: Info Desk, Support Hub, Pokémon Catcher, ValorDex, Market, 3DS Pokémon Games, Other Pokémon Games, Pokémon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Zapdos Egg Lv.40 Zapdos
Zapdos Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Moltres Egg ★★★
Location: Info Desk, Support Hub, Pokémon Catcher, ValorDex, Market, 3DS Pokémon Games, Other Pokémon Games, Pokémon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Moltres Egg Lv.40 Moltres
Moltres Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Mew Egg ★★★
Location: Info Desk, Support Hub, Pokémon Catcher, ValorDex, Market, 3DS Pokémon Games, Other Pokémon Games, Pokémon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Mew Egg Lv.40 Mew
Mew Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Lugia Egg ★★★
Location: Info Desk, Support Hub, Pokémon Catcher, ValorDex, Market, 3DS Pokémon Games, Other Pokémon Games, Pokémon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Lugia Egg Lv.40 Lugia
Lugia Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Ho-Oh Egg ★★★
Location: Info Desk, Support Hub, Pokémon Catcher, ValorDex, Market, 3DS Pokémon Games, Other Pokémon Games, Pokémon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Ho-Oh Egg Lv.40 Ho-Oh
Ho-Oh Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Kyogre Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Kyogre Egg Lv.40 Kyogre
Kyogre Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Groudon Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Groudon Egg Lv.40 Groudon
Groudon Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Rayquaza Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Rayquaza Egg Lv.40 Rayquaza
Rayquaza Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Jirachi Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Jirachi Egg Lv.40 Jirachi
Jirachi Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Deoxys Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Deoxys Egg Lv.40 Deoxys
Jirachi Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Dialga Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Dialga Egg Lv.40 Dialga
Dialga Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Palkia Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Palkia Egg Lv.40 Palkia
Palkia Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Giratina Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Giratina Egg Lv.40 Giratina
Girstina Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Giratina Egg (Altered) ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Art Corner, Literature Library, Roleplay Institute, The Lounge, Question & Answer, Game Corner, Video Games
Evolution Info: Giratina Egg Lv.40 Giratina
Girstina Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Phione ★★★★
Location: Special reward section
Evolution Info: Phione Egg Lv.?? Phione
Giratina Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Reshiram Egg ★★★
Location: ValorDex, Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Reshiram Egg Lv.?? Reshiram
Reshiram Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Zekrom Egg ★★★
Location: Pokémon Catcher, Info Desk, Support Hub, ValorDex
Evolution Info: Zekrom Egg Lv.?? Zekrom
Zekrom Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Kyurem Egg ★★★
Location: ValorDex, Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Kyurem Egg Lv.?? Kyurem
Kyurem Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Meloetta Egg ★★★
Location: ValorDex, Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Meloetta Egg Lv.?? Meloetta
Meloetta Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Genesect Egg ★★★
Location: Market, Pokémon Catcher
Evolution Info: Genesect Egg Lv.?? Genesect
Genesect Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Xerneas Egg ★★★
Location: Question & Answer, Creative Zone, Game Corner
Evolution Info: Xerneas Egg Lv.?? Xerneas
Xerneas Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Yveltal Egg ★★★
Evolution Info: Yveltal Egg Lv.?? Yveltal
Yveltal Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Zygarde Egg ★★★
Location: Question & Answer, Creative Zone, Roleplay Institute
Evolution Info: Zygarde Egg Lv.?? Yveltal
Zygarde Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Diancie Egg ★★★
Location: Game Corner, Roleplay Institute, Question & Answer
Evolution Info: Diancie Egg Lv.?? Diancie
Diancie Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Hoopa Egg ★★★
Location: Question & Answer
Evolution Info: Hoopa Egg Lv.?? Hoopa
Hoopa Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Volcanion Egg ★★★
Location: Creative Zone, Question & Answer
Evolution Info: Volcanion Egg Lv.?? Volcanion
Volcanion Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Odd Egg ★
Location: All sections
Evolution Info: Odd Egg Lv.10 Various Baby Pokémon
Odd Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Mystery Egg ★★
Location: Pokemon General, Festival Plaza
Evolution Info: Mystery Egg Lv.10 Togepi Lv. 26 Togetic Lv.?? Togekiss
Mystery Egg's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Plant Seed ★
Evolution Info: Plant Seed Lv.10 Pumpkaboo Lv. ?? Gourgeist Lv.??
Plant Seed's Bio is coming soon!
#???-S Plant Seed ★
Evolution Info: Root Seed Lv.10 Phantump Lv. ?? Trevenant Lv.??
Root Seed's Bio is coming soon!
#Shadow Deoxys ★★★★★
Location: ???
Evolution Info: ???
- Published:
- May 25, 2018
- Views:
- 5,497