Separate names with a comma.
Basculin (blue stripe) was found in market. i would think red stripe would be found there too.
Hello everybody! I'm not sure if I posted this at the right place, so I apologise for any mistakes. I am curious as to what you all think about...
For those that haven't seen Nintendo Direct's latest reveal yet, we've got you've covered! There are three new games coming to the 3ds E-Shop,...
In this topic,which I will update weekly,you vote who would win[IMG] between two people from Pokemon[IMG]. It could be Pikachu versus Charizard...
So after some long hard thinking, i just realized something. I have not seen one cameo, reference, or even mention of Prof.Oak in either X/Y, and...
//Slight surge in pressure in left ventricle due to contraction of left atrium forcing blood into left ventricle. I'm Green Oak, the...