Separate names with a comma.
Hey, I'm decently new here. None of my friends actually own OR/AS so I was wondering if anyone wants to trade with me. I'm also looking to evolve...
Many a plenty Eevee's For trade Lvl.1 Eevees (so you can train them the moves you want) Request them below if you want a particular one :D...
hey guys I am fannily breeding meowth's i wanna trade one for a dragonmite It may be to steep but I really want one hehe:)
Im doing a masuda method for shiny gible. during my progress, I got a bunch 5IV gibles. if you want a trade for it, please post here. The pokemon...
As mentioned above, I currently have several Gligars for trade. If anyone's interested, let me know and we can trade for Pokes of equal IV/value....
The Froakie must have the Protean ability and the following IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31. It can be any gender, but I would prefer it to be a male. The...
I'm looking for anyone who wants to trade little to offer but I'd like to tell u that I'll always be there when u wanna get Something better from...
uh im iv breeding mudkips right now in preperation for ORAS they are all adamant and right now im at the stage of getting 4 and 5 iv, leaving out...
For trade: [3D='shiny Dialga'] shiny Dialga Adamant nature Lv. 100 Pressure ability (i can't change nickname so deal with 'Husbando') [3D='shiny...
Hello! I am excited to start the new Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Saphire! But I wanted to trade some Pokemon for my new edition. So I wanted to...
Dusclops: Shiny, 6iv, KB, Careful, Pressure, Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Pain Split, and Shadow Sneak Gabite: Shiny, 6iv, KB, Jolly, Sand Veil,...
I have some Cyndaquil and Eevees that I'm looking to trade. I've been Matsuda breeding the two species but still haven't wound up with shinies so...
Basically, ID Zeta said something about Giratina that made me realize that it is actually COOL AF :D So here it is: Name: Giratina...
A long while back, I was breeding for Shiny Swirlixes. All Swilixes here on offer are 5 IV perfect with moddest nature and in heal balls, With a...
Hello! Welcome to my trade shop! To save time, I have a doc! Please read the rules, and NO Powersaved/Genned...