Separate names with a comma.
Hey guys, its: [3d='lugia']IllusionFox's Silver Speedlocke![3d='lugia'] You might be thinking, "What. Speedlocke?" (I know, I can read your...
Special was one time a single stat in Pokémon Red, Blue, & Yellow. No one knew much on how the special really works. Suddenly when Gold, Silver,...
For those of us that have gotten our hands on one of these games and been able to play them before, what experiences are memorable? I remember...
"In the Generation II games and their remakes, three years after the defeat of Giovanni at the hands of Red, a few members of the old Team Rocket...
If you didn't know, back in the days of the original GSC, the gen 2 games would typically lose the ability to save in a shorter timeframe than...
Beginning in the second generation of Pokemon GSC, pokemon eggs were beginning to be found! When two compatible pokemon go to the day-care center...
The two main legendaries of Gen 2, and in Gen 4. (HeartGold and SoulSilver) Whilst both are incredibly strong Pokémon, which is your favorite?...
In Pokemon GSC, after you defeat a pokemanic inside the Union Cave, close to Azalea Town, tells you about roars that can be heard every Friday...
In GSC, your mom save the your money at you request so that a quarter of the money won from each battle is automatically sent to her, and money...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] GSC introduced two new types to the game: dark and steel. With the several new Pokemon introduced in Johto that were of...
Crystal was the very first Pokemon game that allowed players the choice to play as either a male or female, or as either Ethan or Kris. Which of...
After doing this.... [IMG] What happened to your Crobat? You keeped the happiness to the end? Answer here!!
What did you do with the red Gyarados found north of Mahogany Town in the Lake of Rage? Knocked out? Caught? Used on your team? Boxed? [IMG]
How difficult did you find the Elite Four and Champion of G/S/C to be? Who did you have the most trouble with? I had some issues with poisoning...
In G/S/C, Bill gives you the elusive Eevee if you visit his home in Goldenrod after encountering him in the Ecruteak Pokemon Center. Did you use...
Does any one remember this cool hack you could do to enter the Safari Zone, and not be able to leave? I've seen many videos of it but wondering if...
In G/S/C, a fighting master deep within Mt. Mortar will reward you with a lv. 10 Tyrogue for defeating him in battle. This is the only way to...
Which do you think is better, and why?
[IMG] Red was the strongest trainer you could face in G/S/C, with his most powerful Pokemon being a Pikachu at lv. 81. Did you ever beat him? Do...
[IMG] In G/S/C you were required to get get past an "odd tree", or Sudowoodo, which was blocking your path to proceed to Ecruteak City. Did you...