Separate names with a comma.
It is a big step up and we are super happy to have you on board as a Super Moderator Vig <3 Congrats again and I am excited to work more with you...
Congratulations, @Skullbash, and @MayhemMcKoi on becoming Social Crew members! Have a lot of fun in your new positions and enjoy the spoopy name...
Congratulations, @Hraesvelgr and @Vigilance on becoming Lake Valor's newest Mods! Make us proud!
Our new mod is gonna do amazing, be sure to congratulate @[member="ClefairyKid"]!!!
Today was the day for a LOT of promotions. Congrats @[member="karatekid770"], @[member="Hanzo"], @[member="Tonochi"] on becoming part of the...
Once in a blue moon that shines over the lake so bright, a new admin is chosen by the lake spirit Azelf. Their power is made known across the...
Congratulations to the raddest chocolate treat around this lake for making the rank of Super Mod! Good job to making it this far...
Holy smokes! We got 3 new members that have joined our staff team! Say hello to our very new mods; the terrific @[member="Tonochi"], the awesome...
Congratulations @[member="EchoSouls"], a new member of our Social Crew! They will be working along side Tonochi on the Tumblr page, showing off...
Glad to have you on the staff team. There'll be plenty of memes to go around! Congrats, @[member="Aura"]!
Ladies and gents we are proud to congratulate our very own @[member="AzurAurora"]! Just recently they got promoted to the position of Writer!...
Congrats [member=Cadbberry] on becoming LV's newest addition to the staff team! Cad will be moderating the Creative Corner, Portfolio, Game...
Today, we have witnessed a new evolution. [member=ShiroLugia] has evolved from moderator to super moderator!! Congrats on the new promotion Aqua!!! :)
Great news, guys! Lake Valor's DeviantArt Group has a Social Crew member assigned to it again! Congratulations @[member="Cadbberry"] on joining...
That's right, folks! [member='BiohazardSr'] has been promoted to join LV's Meme Dream Team staff team! Bio is a very respected member who's been...
Congratulations to our brand new writer @[member="Eclipse"]. I'm sure Aura is quite pleased. May your typos be few, and articles vast
Congratulations @[member="Iridescent Isabelle"] for becoming our newest writer! You've definitely are the right person for the job. We can't wait...
Congratulations @[member="Wizard"] on getting moderator! I'm sure your shots army is proud! *confetti*
Woah am I actually the first for once? Sweet. Yo @[member="Wizard"] congratulations on joining our little piece of LV. I wish you best of luck...
I hope I wasn't stupid and didn't realise it but, Biohazard is part of the Social Crew now! Congratulations!