Separate names with a comma.
In Pokemon Emerald, there was a location you could visit after defeating the Elite Four (just a hop skip and away!) known as the Battle Frontier....
I'm sure we're all familiar with Team Magma and Aqua in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and their new designs. But let's jump into the past for a...
Unlike previous games, RSE allowed the option of choosing between two bikes, the mach and arco bike. The mach bike was known for speed without...
In Pokemon RSE, the ability to name your rival was removed. Thoughts on this? Why do you think they didn't allow you to choose the name? Were you...
Has anyone ever had their Pokemon painted within the Lilycove Museum? For those of you that don't remember, you have to win Master rank in each...
In Pokemon Emerald, in the house in Rustboro City, up north-west, a father will ask you to say a phrase to help his make daughter laugh. What are...
[IMG] Also on SmackJeeves! And dA! and Nuzforums! [IMG] The rules! [spoiler] The comic! [spoiler] Part 1 : An adventure [spoiler] Part 2 :...
Wallace is personally one of my favorite champions, but a lot of people out there seem to put him as the easiest champion due to how weak he is to...
We all know the place in Dewford Town where you could choose a saying and it would magically spread throughout the town and even across the...
Do you see yourself ever returning to play R/S/E with OR/AS now being released? Maybe you've yet to get a 3DS or the remakes just don't interest...
Which of the weather trio did you like best? Why?
In both Kanto and Hoenn, there were the region's respective power plant. For the most part, both were abandoned and provided a home for electric...
In Pokemon Emerald there was a special location you could visit after defeating the Elite Four known as the Battle Frontier. In the Battle...
Which character did you choose to play as in R/S/E: girl or boy? Which did you prefer overall? :3
[IMG][IMG][IMG] Did you ever manage to catch the three regis: Regirock, Registeel, and Regice? Which of them was the toughest to catch for you?...
Which of these two dragons do you prefer? Have you ever used one on your team? Maybe gotten their shiny forms? What color did you pick in Emerald...
[IMG] What did you do with the Wynaut egg you received from the old woman in Lavaridge town? Did you consider training it or were you like me and...
After you defeat the Elite Four and Champion in RSE, a Poke Ball can be found in Steven's house at Mossdeep City, which turns out to be a Beldum!...
In Pokemon Emerald, in Slateport City, Verdanturf Town and Fallarbor Town, battle tents replaced contest halls from Ruby and Sapphire. The...
Which team do you like better and why? Aqua or Magma? I like Team Aqua better because I like their designs a little better as well as I felt they...