Separate names with a comma.
[MEDIA] Did anyone watch that trailer closely, second per second? Got any theories? I don't have any, as it is not in my habits to do that kind...
And by challenge I mean from just turning off Exp Share if we can, to a full nuzlocke even! As for me, I usually am very casual, but... idk, I...
What do you think of Shield & Sword's visuals after watching the trailer? Are they appealing to you? Do you despise them? No idea? [MEDIA]
What about you? What do you think of the music we got to experience? [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] um.
[MEDIA] Let's get some hype.
In the trailer for the game, it is shown two new looking protagonists, you can discuss that in this thread...
[ATTACH] This is something that a Youtube put in his Easter Egg Video that I though would be good to discuss. In the Jap. Trailer we had 8...
If you remember, Pokken fighters was a fighting game still in development by Nintendo, and as of yet, we had about 6 Pokémon that were available...