Separate names with a comma.
Chapter 1: Beginning of a Successor “Fire Release: Flame Bullet!” A rather plain looking man called out, his hands rapidly creating a multitude...
I guess I just like to play/watch/talk Pokémon. I normally go for water and grass types. I'm hoping to meet a few new friends here, so I can Have...
A new region has just come out, and you're ready to get started. Just one question before you can get ready for the route- how do you choose your...
One of the main types of Pokemon is the Water Type. Since the begining of the story Misty (the girl that traveled with Ash) started saying that...
This is Guimartgon's challenge threat. You may post your challenges in here. As of now I'm taking 3 challengers per week, this number will...
[3D='171'] Slowbroongus's Sharknado [3D='272'] "Water makes me wet." -me, 2015 ---------- > CLICK THIS < > CLICK THIS #2 < [IMG] - If...
[IMG]Guimartgon's Water Type Gym[IMG] Hello and welcome to my Gym, house of the Water types. If you wish to challenge this gym please post it...
For those who haven't read my main stories, Bubbles is a Froakie, and Blessing is a Sneasel. This is a short story I wrote for the rewrite. I...
This is what is in my friend safari, if you want to add me let me know. My fc is 3754-7149-2149. Thanks. -TheEmpoleonMaster
Hello! My safari has Krabby, Quagsire, and Poliwhirl! FC: 0302-0652-2111 Friend Safari you want: Pretty much anything but if you have stuff I...
[img]Pupcicle [img]Refrigerinu [img]Glaishepard
As some of you may know, I've currently been working on a Pokémon game of my own, with a bit of help of course. Since some things are beginning to...