Separate names with a comma.
I've got the whole story, which is a total of 14 chapters as of now, on my account on, so go there if you wanna read more! Tell me...
Ok, so here goes! I'm a girl, and a teen girl at that. I'm a huge Amourshipper, and I think that XY/XYZ was the best thing that ever happened to...
Hey guys! Lately I've gotten myself a 6 IV Larvesta, and have been doing MM for a shiny one. Of course, there's always going to be ones that I...
Wondertrade Wednesday! -=+=- Hello, there Valorians! It is once again time for Wondertrade Wednesday! Using Wondertrade in the festival plaza in...
As the title says, this is a Genesect code giveaway! All you need to do to enter is to reply to this thread letting me know of your entry! I will...
Anyone who played through X and Y, here's to you! Hopefully you remember that after becoming a Champion, and you have that ceremony and receive...
In both the games of generation 6 there were places you could go where, if you held the Circle Pad in one direction, you would go around and...
With Pokemon Amie came a Nintendogs-like way to interact with your own Pokemon. It was loved by many, but it had its flows too. What did you...
Professor Sycamore was the hot young Professor we got along with the Pokemon region. He studies Mega Evolution. He's also the first Pokemon...
Roller skates! We got to twist and twirl all around Kalos. There was even a place on Route 5 where you could practice your awesome skating tricks...
Simple question. What's your favourite city in Pokemon X/Y? Why is this? Do you spend a lot of time there?
I've heard people complain about Pokemon X and Y, but I've also heard people who love the games. What's your opinion on them? Do you like them or...
I see a lot of discussion on what they did wrong, but little on what was right. So what do you think this generation successfully accomplished? I...
I always find that the Snowbelle boutique and the one in Lumiose carry the kinds of clothes I like the most. But what are your favorite stops to...
Game Freak made a nice farming inclusion by adding your very own Berry Farm to Pokemon X and Y! Here, you could grow all kinds of Berries as much...
While Generation 6 was a pretty great generation, I felt like Gen 6 was missing a lot of things and needed to work out some things. Most of these...
Ahh, Wonder Trade... It's a pretty great feature, but it's also something a lot of the members of the Pokémon community look down on. The idea...
In Pokemon X and Y, you start off the game with FOUR other trainers, Calem/Serena, Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno. In the past, Pokemon never gave...
What do you think the best new inclusion in the X/Y games? Basically, what are you most glad Game Freak added to X and Y? What exactly makes it so...
When you play through any game of Pokemon, the main point of the game is to make a team of Pokemon that you can use effectively to battle against...