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420th LV Games - Bets Closed

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Pari, Mar 26, 2016.

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  1. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    Welcome to the 420th LV Games! What happened to the 419 previous beats me, but they don't matter. \o/

    This will be interesting because you guys will be allowed to bet! Isn't that fun! \o/

    1) Don't be rude this is all in good fun ok? ok.
    2) Max PokéPoints you're allowed to bet is 100 per, max 3 bets per person.
    3) Please send all PokéPoints to @Kaneki.
    4) u dont gotta be in the games to bet ok? ok.

    Now that that's over with, onto the specifics.

    You can bet on who will win, what district the winner will be from, how someone dies, what place someone will get, etc. You can be as specific or not as you want.

    @[member="Sanctuary"] helped me compile a list of alllll the default ways someone can die. So if you want to bet on a specific way someone will die, you can.

    Keep in mind, the random events are not included due to them not being able to be modified, so I wasn't able to pull up a list for them. If you'd like to bet on that just say "X dies in a random event".
    Some do overlap from bloodbath/day/night. There is no feast-specific death.
    From Bloodbath:
    (Player1) steps off (his/her1) podium too soon and blows up.
    (Player1) throws a knife into (Player2)'s head.
    (Player1) accidently steps on a landmine.
    (Player1) catches (Player2) off guard and kills (him/her2).
    (Player1) and (Player2) work together to drown (Player3).
    (Player1) strangles (Player2) after engaging in a fist fight.
    (Player1) shoots an arrow into (Player2)'s head.
    (Player1) cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
    (Player1) bashes (Player2)'s head against a rock several times.
    (Player1) snaps (Player2)'s neck.
    (Player1) decapitates (Player2) with a sword.
    (Player1) spears (Player2) in the abdomen.
    (Player1) sets (Player2) on fire with a molotov.
    (Player1) falls into a pit and dies.
    (Player1) stabs (Player2) while (his/her2) back is turned.
    (Player1) severely injures (Player2), but puts (him/her2) out of (his/her2) misery.
    (Player1) severely injures (Player2) and leaves (him/her2) to die.
    (Player1) bashes (Player2)'s head in with a mace.
    (Player1) pushes (Player2) off a cliff during a knife fight.
    (Player1) throws a knife into (Player2)'s chest.
    (Player1) is unable to convince (Player2) to not kill (him/her1).
    (Player1) convinces (Player2) to not kill (him/her1), only to kill (him/her2) instead.
    (Player1) falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) start fighting, but (Player2) runs away as (Player1) kills (Player3).
    (Player1) kills (Player2) with (his/her2) own weapon.
    (Player1) overpowers (Player2), killing (him/her2).
    (Player1) sets an explosive off, killing (Player2).
    (Player1) sets an explosive off, killing (Player2), and (Player3).
    (Player1) sets an explosive off, killing (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4).
    (Player1) sets an explosive off, killing (Player2), (Player3), (Player4) and (Player5).
    (Player1) kills (Player2) as (he/she2) tries to run.
    (Player1) and (Player2) threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
    (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
    (Player1) kills (Player2) with a hatchet.
    (Player1) and (Player2) fight (Player3) and (Player4). (Player1) and (Player2) survive.
    (Player1) and (Player2) fight (Player3) and (Player4). (Player3) and (Player4) survive.
    (Player1) attacks (Player2), but (Player3) protects (him/her2), killing (Player1).
    (Player1) severely slices (Player2) with a sword.
    (Player1) strangles (Player2) with a rope.
    (Player1) kills (Player2) for (his/her2) supplies.
    (Player1) shoots an arrow at (Player2), but misses and kills (Player3) instead.
    (Player1) shoots a poisonous blow dart into (Player2)'s neck, slowly killing (him/her2).
    (Player1) stabs (Player2) with a tree branch.
    (Player1) stabs (Player2) in the back with a trident.
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) get into a fight. (Player1) triumphantly kills them both.
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) get into a fight. (Player2) triumphantly kills them both.
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) get into a fight. (Player3) triumphantly kills them both.
    (Player1) finds (Player2) hiding in the cornucopia and kills (him/her2).
    (Player1) finds (Player2) hiding in the cornucopia, but (Player2) kills (him/her1).
    (Player1) kills (Player2) with a sickle.
    (Player1) and (Player2) fight for a bag. (Player1) strangles (Player2) with the straps and runs.
    (Player1) and (Player2) fight for a bag. (Player2) strangles (Player1) with the straps and runs.
    (Player1) repeatedly stabs (Player2) to death with sais.

    From Day/Night:
    (Player1) begs for (Player2) to kill (him/her1). (He/She2) reluctantly obliges, killing (Player1).
    (Player1) bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
    (Player1) unknowingly eats toxic berries.
    (Player1) silently snaps (Player2)'s neck.
    (Player1) taints (Player2)'s food, killing (him/her2).
    (Player1) dies from an infection.
    (Player1) attempts to climb a tree, but falls to (his/her1) death.
    (Player1)'s trap kills (Player2).
    (Player1) kills (Player2) while (he/she2) is resting.
    (Player1) dies from hypothermia.
    (Player1) dies from hunger.
    (Player1) dies from thirst.
    (Player1) dies trying to escape the arena.
    (Player1) dies of dysentery.
    (Player1) accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
    (Player1) ambushes (Player2) and kills (him/her2).
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) successfully ambush and kill (Player4), (Player5), and (Player6).
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) unsuccessfully ambush (Player4), (Player5), and (Player6), who kill them instead.
    (Player1) forces (Player2) to kill (Player3) or (Player4). (He/She2) decides to kill (Player3).
    (Player1) forces (Player2) to kill (Player3) or (Player4). (He/She2) decides to kill (Player4).
    (Player1) forces (Player2) to kill (Player3) or (Player4). (He/She2) refuses to kill, so (Player1) kills (him/her2) instead.
    (Player1) poisons (Player2)'s drink, but mistakes it for (his/her1) own and dies.
    (Player1) poisons (Player2)'s drink. (He/She2) drinks it and dies.
    (Player1) attempts to climb a tree, but falls on (Player2), killing them both.
    (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), (Player4), and (Player5) track down and kill (Player6).
    (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) track down and kill (Player5).
    (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) track down and kill (Player4).
    (Player1) and (Player2) track down and kill (Player3).
    (Player1) tracks down and kills (Player2).
    (Player1) repeatedly stabs (Player2) to death with sais
    (Player1) kills (Player2) while (he/she2) is sleeping.

    As for the actual tributes:

    Aaaaaand the bets.
    10 PokéPoints from Megarai111 for Megarai111 winning
    10 PokéPoints from Megarai111 for Sanctuary dying the first night
    100 PokéPoints from Wizard for someone from District 9 winning
    100 PokéPoints from Wizard for BiohazardSr dying first
    100 PokéPoints from Wizard for Bionic Puppy dying second
    100 PokéPoints from Sanctuary for someone from District 12 winning
    100 PokéPoints from Sanctuary for Bloom killing someone
    100 PokéPoints from Sanctuary for Doomhound dying on his own
    5 PokéPoints from Thunder for Sanctuary dying
    10 PokéPoints from Thunder for someone from District 10 winning
    1 PokéPoint from Bionic Puppy for Bionic Puppy strangling a tree
    5 PokéPoints from Bionic Puppy for LunarRabbitPikachu not dying the first night
    15 PokéPoints from Bionic Puppy for Eclipse backstabbing him
    1 PokéPoint from Glaceon seeking warmth for someone winning
    1 PokéPoint from Glaceon seeking warmth for someone dying
    87 PokéPoints from Glaceon seeking warmth for someone killing their district partner
    998 PokéPoints from Glaceon seeking warmth for the pot to increase [donation; is not a bet]
    100 PokéPoints from Almandine-G for Almandine-G dying
    100 PokéPoints from Bloom for Bloom dying and not killing anyone
    100 PokéPoints from Bloom for Sanctuary not making it past the first day
    100 PokéPoints from Bloom for someone dying by falling off a tree
    100 PokéPoints from Kouhai for Almandine-G winning
    1 PokéPoint from Kouhai for Bloom killing at least 2 members
    2 PokéPoints from Kouhai for Sanctuary making it to the top 4 only to be killed by the environment/starvation
    100 PokéPoints from 8542Madness for people questioning their sanity at least 3 times
    100 PokéPoints from 8542Madness for Eclipse being among the final 5
    100 PokéPoints from 8542Madness for BiohazardSr winning
    100 PokéPoints from Karzarill for Karzarill dying within the first 3 days
    100 PokéPoints from Karzarill for Almadine-G surviving longer than Karzarill
    100 PokéPoints from Karzarill for Glaceon seeking warmth dying before killing anyone
    100 PokéPoints from Azure for Sugar dying
    100 PokéPoints from Azure for Doomhound dying
    100 PokéPoints from Azure for Wizard winning

    Bets close Tuesday March 29 at 7:00pm EST.

    Happy Hunger Games everyone!
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  2. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    I put 10 PokéPoints on myself winning this in whatever way \o/
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  3. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    got both from u thank
  4. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    I bet 5PP that District 12 tribute, Sanctuary will die.
    I also bet that someone from District 10 will win, for that I bet 10PP
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  5. Wizard

    Wizard Do you feel it? The moon's power!

    Level 2
    Jan 18, 2016
    I has 3 bets for this thingy:

    EDIT: I'm going hardcore because Sanc pressured me, raising the pp total.

    100pp on somebody from District 9 winning
    100pp on @[member="BiohazardSr"] dying first
    100pp on @[member="Bionic Puppy"] dying second

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  6. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    i'll put you down when i get the points, thanks : )

    @[member="Wizard"] noted, send the points over and i'll write u down
  7. Sanctuary

    Odd Egg (S)
    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 2
    Sep 6, 2014
    You guys suck. 100 PokePoints is such a small amount, why is everyone betting 5-15 PokePoints...

    My bets:
    • Someone from district 12 wins
    • Bloom kills someone
    • Doomhound dies on his own (ex: dies from an infection or falls from a tree)
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  8. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    lmao gotchu down
  9. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Four questions:

    1) What is the payout for all of these bets? Is it 2 to 1 in all cases, or do some of the more specific ones generate higher odds?
    2) Were these districts chosen at random, or did you hand-pick them? I would initially think random, but Districts 2 and 12 make me think otherwise.
    3) Just kidding; there's no 3.
    4) Can you bet on someone to lose in any way at all, doesn't matter how?
  10. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    My bets are

    1) I strangle a tree (1 pp)
    2) LunaRabbitPichu doesn't die the first night! (5 PP)
    3) El Cipe backstabs me because he is jsut that guy (15 PP)
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  11. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    ultimately it will depend on the amount in the pot when the bets close, but the winners will be able to receive some percentage greater than what they bet.
    district 12 was specifically requested, but the rest were done by RNG.

    lmao ok send over the points and i'll write u down
  12. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    1 pp that someone will die
    1 pp that someone will win

    this is a joke don't actually put these down lol.
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  13. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    dang and here i was hoping
  14. PROJECT: Glaceon

    PROJECT: Glaceon PKMN Breeder

    Nov 26, 2015
    I'll take that bet.
    1 point on someone winning, 1 point on someone dying.

    I'm not really interested in gambling but I'll send you some PP to increase the winnings, I guess.
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  15. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    awesome, thanks :D
  16. Shada

    Shada netflix binging

    Level 7
    Mar 12, 2015
    Repel ★Charizardite X ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Galladite ★★★★Bottle Cap ★★★★★
    Bets for me are 100Pp each, I'll send the cash later today.

    Doomhound and Sugar are ded

    And Wizard's gonna win.
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    Wizard likes this.
  17. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    nice nice nice nic e
    i'll get u down when you send the points :D
  18. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    No bets from me this time, but I did find a list of what every District specializes in! I made it myself a few years ago, ehehe :3

    1: luxury goods
    2: peacekeepers (the army)
    3: electronics
    4: fishing
    5: power plant
    6: transporting people and goods
    7: trees
    8: fabric and cloth
    9: research
    10: livestock
    11: farming
    12: coal mines
    13: nuclear stuff

    There! We all know some more about our background now o7
  19. PROJECT: Glaceon

    PROJECT: Glaceon PKMN Breeder

    Nov 26, 2015
    District 13 blew itself up

    Apparently I'm a failure because I don't understand the thing my district specializes in
  20. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    u guys are like
    the technology nerds basically
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