Do you believe Pokémon are able to “evolve themselves?” (In other words, do you believe that a Pokémon could theoretically reshape its own body during evolution by pushing, pulling, stretching, reforming, etc. its body parts into those of its evolved form?) I personally do. I’ve seen multiple anime clips and it ALWAYS looks as though the Pokémon is shaping its own body into that of its evolved form. (For notable examples, see: Staravia to Staraptor, Chimchar to Monferno, Swadloon to Leavanny, Roggenrola to Boldore (DEAR GOD) and most recently, Tyrunt to Tyrantrum- DEAR ARCEUS! IT’S BENDING ITS TAIL IN HALF!) With some exceptions, of course (see: Pidove to Tranquill to Unfezant, Froagadier to Greninja, Krokorok to Krookodile...)
Not sure how Shroomish would pull that off... :thinking: But no one can deny that Breloom's stretchy punchy arms are hilarious.
Simple. A Shroomish would pull it off in the same way a Caterpie would: he’d concentrate on a certain body part in order to direct the light energy to it. Once it’s where he wants it, he’d push all his weight down on it until an arm forms. Then he’d do the same thing to the other side to form the other arm, then he’d do the same thing to form the legs... And then once that’s done, he’d use his arms to mold a head and body.