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A New Blade. (Kitsune x LunarRabbitPikachu)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by LunarRabbitPikachu, Sep 14, 2015.

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  1. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    A New Blade​

    This is an one-on-one Kingdom Hearts rp by [member=Kitsune] and myself.

    In a little town, a female, who has long hair as white as snow, eyes as blue as the ocean, wearing a turquoise sleeveless shirt, blue jeans, grey shoes, and a silver belt around her shirt that carries an unusual light turquoise sword, is walking around town while watching people stare at her. To tell the truth, this has been going on for quite some time. People make fun of her because of the way her hair is and how she dresses. Most girls would either wear a dress or shirts with skirts and slippers or heels, but to this one, she prefers the jeans and shoes. But thanks to the sword she carries wherever she goes, people now fear her. She's use to it though. Although, she has been a bit lonely lately. She did try to ask for company, but all she received was people teasing, look at her with disgust, or gives her the cold shoulder. Because of this, she now hardly trusts anyone... She sighs as she can't handle the stares. So, she starts walking into the forest to hopefully get some relaxation on this warm and sunny day.
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  2. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    Jeffrey smirked underneath his keyblade armors mask. He slowly hovered down to the ground, before releasing the pair of keyblades that were making up is armor's wings. The blades were similar in shape and design, but the complete opposite in color. He called the twin blades "Balance" and "Order" respectively. The surrounding are was calm. A tranquil forest? Interesting... He had sensed darkness in this world. Nothing was immediate... Wait... Footsteps? He ran forward releasing his keyblades before summoning a new one. "Redemption" was it's name. h followed it by summoning the darker version, "Corruption" he stood ready, observing his surroundings. The enemy was... right in front of him?! He ran forward, crossing both blades. however this was would be finished rather quickly if this landed. He expected a heartless with the darkness he was sensing. Instead he found a girl. He halted his movement and pointed the blade of light at her. It's angelic wing shape opposite of what appeared to be a demonic wing. He took a minute, ready to strike. "Who are you..." he whispered. he saw the blade, but waited to see if she would draw and attack. "Draw... and I end your life..."
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  3. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The female became startled by this man's sudden appearance. She had her right hand to the handle of her blade, but notices the man had also halted his movement. She eye narrows at him with suspicion after he asks for who she is and his threat. She glares a bit while her hand still remains on the handle. "That's none of your concern especially if you're going to attack me out of no reason," she stated calmly continues to glare a bit at him. "I was in the middle of walking until you tried to attack me," she added.
  4. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The girl thinks she can play tough? This will be fun. "So... Explain to me why you have so much darkness in your heart? To my sense you are just like a heartless... And heartless can't hide from me..." He hissed, inching closer. "And even if you aren't, with that much darkness you could be turned." he whispered. He knew it would end in a fight. "Prove to me that there is still light in your heart!" He screamed as he closed the distance and attempted to slash with both keyblades.
  5. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Once the female sees that this man had gotten closer to her using his two weird blades, she immediately draws her sword to block both of the blades to avoid getting damaged. She then twirls her sword a bit as it glows a bit and slashes both of his blades out of the man's hands. She then aims her sword at the guy and now glares madly. "I have no clue of what nonsense you speak of. I have never heard of these heartless figures nor aware of this dark presence you sense. But, that gives you no right to attack anyone without questioning!" she says to the man as she still aims her sword at him and prepares to attack incase he does anything.
  6. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    Jeffrey frowned, quickly jumping back. "Not bad. " he smirked after this, causing both blades to disappear and reappear floating at his side. "Alright, then show me that you are strong enough to survive!" He shouted, spinning both blades. He seemed to disappear from view for a second only to re appear behind the girl. He slammed the hilt of one blade into her temple, followed by a swing to slice her in half.
  7. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The female now glares madly at this guy. Who does he think he is? When she sees the attacks, she quickly jumps away from this man as soon as possible to avoid one attack and uses her sword to block the other blade. "Look, I have no time to pick a fight with a stranger! My day has already been stressful enough as it is! So, why don't you go pick a fight with someone else and LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted and even louder at the last three words as her sword starts to glow white. Once she manages to push the guy away from her, she then unleashes a sword beam at him and runs off to find some where quiet to relax.
  8. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The boy watched as she ran. He managed to deflect the beam. Something wasn't right here... He let his keyblade go, summoning his armor and other set the quickly became a black and white wing, before he began to fly after her. He took his helmet off, trying to spot her.
  9. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    When the female finally think she lost the guy she starts to slow down. However, she continued her walk around the area hopefully to find some place to rest. She then sees a lake in the middle of the forest. She smiles as she now sits down and leans on to a tree. Everything in this forest is always so peaceful. Must be the reason why she visits this place often. She yawns when she notices how tired she is from running. So, closes her eyes so she can rest a bit.
  10. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The boy landed beside her. Calmly her placed a hand on her head and focused. He planned on finding where the darkness was coming from... He let his mind go into her unconscious form, completely defenseless. "Do not wake, do not do anything but breath and relax. I am going to try and help..." He whispered telepathically. He started to look at the darkness clouding her mind...
  11. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The female suddenly jolted awake about 5 minutes of the guy looking through the darkness in her mind. The only thing he can make of in that mind of the female's is the sad, and lonely feeling she's had along with all her memories had shown of the way other people were treating her, how her parents and siblings passed away during a war that once happened in this world when she was young, how many times she's been betrayed by some of the people who live in town, and how she only had herself to trust. Before the guy could see more, the female kicks the guy away from her as she grabs her sword and now glares madly at him. "Who do you think you are invading other people like that?" she shouted with anger.
  12. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The man recoiled from the kick, losing the connection. "Doubt. Hate. Suffering. All cloud one's mind. This cloud becomes dark, and If allowed to countinue to grow... It will take over ones heart." He said sadly, talking from experience. Hid wasn't exactly the happiest life out there. People had done their share of damage to him... But he had sworn to protect his kind... Until that day... He stepped forward. "The dark in your mind is not like anything I've seen. Your darkness is not controlling you... Even if it is a part of you." He stepped forward again. "You have been hurt. I saw it. Believe me when I say I know your pain. I've felt it..." He ended infront of her. "Look at me... Try to Hurt me if you want. Try to end me..." He whispered softly, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "But I'm here to help. Let the darkness go..."
  13. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The girl now glares madly as she tries to get the guy off of her. She doesn't like this feel he's giving her. So as quickly as she could, she tries to get the guy to release her. She starts punching and kicking, but nothing is working thanks to the armor around the guy. "Let go of me! I am not hurt! You don't even know me!" she shouted. She then starts to hear screams of all sorts of people. She looks to where it's from and sees that it's from her home town. She may not like the people in her town, but it is her home and she has to see what's wrong. Realizing the screams could be a distraction for the guy, she shoves him off of her and runs back to the town.
  14. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The screams made him run off towards the town. He summoned his blade and began to run where everyone was coming from. Oh god... Not only was the town going up in flames, but it was brimming with dark creatures. "God damn it! I knew it!" He screamed as he ran in, before slicing down a shadow. A giant creature stood before him, a large beast of pure darkness. "Hello big guy." He smirked, slicing open it's foot to get it's attention, then jumping back.
  15. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    As soon as she gets to town first, she sees weird black creatures with antenes catching some people's hears and looks shocked. "What are those things?!" she exclaimed as she sees some coming after her. She glares and starts fighting with one of them and sees that a heart starts to fly away as the black creature disappears. She glares since she sees more coming after her. And so, she starts fighting them until she sees a bigger version coming after the guy she saw in the forest. She was about to help, but notices she's completely surrounded. She glares and continues to fight the black pure yellow eye creatures.
  16. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    "Damn it." He whispered, slicing open another heartless. The key blade he was using wasn't enough. "Releasing in 3...2...1..." He whispered, preparing for the preferred transformation. The twin keyblades formed the wings again, along with his armor. His pair of keyblades appeared as he shot into the air, he shot up to the larger ones neck, before slicing it open then floating back. He charged forward, ending up completely obliterating the beasts top half. He floated down to the side of the girl, stabbing a shadow charging at her from behind.
  17. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The female notices the guy had just defeated the giant version of the black creature, but continues to fight the rest of them. She had not been aware of one of them behind her until she sees the guy next to her as he stabs the creature coming after her. She looks to the guy with surprise, but notices a shadow creature coming after him from behind. Quickly, she gets in between the guy and the creature and slices the creature in half using her sword. She looks around to see if there are anymore. To her relief, there are no more. She takes a deep breath and sighs it out.
  18. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The boy looks around. No more. "Go get the people. I've got the clean up." He began to walk away, slowly searching each possible hiding spot. He finished by letting every bit of weaponry go, releasing armor, wings, and blades. The girl would be back if she had left. He walked to the town's bar/tavern. He quickly grabbed a glass of water and sat at the bar, drinking it.
  19. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The female eye narrows at the boy leaving. Does he really think she cares about the people living in her town? No, she only saved the town because it's her home... Nothing more, nothing less. She then starts to feel someone behind her, she turns and sees a figure in a black coat as the hoodie covers the figures appearance. Eye narrowing at the person, she decides to ignore him and head back into the forest.

    "Aurora, you chose to save this town and yet, you despised the people in it," the figure suddenly says in a masculine voice.

    The female stunned into a halt. How did this stranger know her name?! Aurora now glares at the figure. "Who are you?! And. how did you know my name?!" she demands to the figure.

    The figure ignored her questions and continues to face towards Aurora. "What's even more interesting, your sword is not a keyblade. But, your sword can capture hearts," the figure said once more.

    Aurora is now getting mad as she gets ready to attack. She's seriously had enough of all of these riddles and unheard statements. Before she can move though, a black portal suddenly appears causing her to flinch.

    "Keep fighting the heartless, and we might possibly meet again," the figure says as he bows. He then walks into the portal.

    "Hey! Stop right there!" she shouted at the figure as she chases after him. However the portal already vanishes before she can get to it and glares. "Who the hell was that?!" she mumbled to herself.
  20. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    After his drink he walks out to hear the talking. He ran to the girl, turning her around. His face seriously distraught. "That voice... Was the man you were speaking to wearing a black cloak?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

    The boy was worried. The voice was similar to the one who had... If it was him, it was worse than he had thought... "Are you injured, did he hurt you?!" He asked, looking for wounds.
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