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Ace Attorney

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Nate, Oct 22, 2015.

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  1. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    This thread was a another victim to inactivity so its time to bring it back again! I'm a huge fan of the series and have played every game twice within a couple years... I don't have a problem I swear.

    Ace Attorney 6 was recently announced so that's pretty awesome. Its already been confirmed to being localized (unlike the most recent game in the series :/). Phoenix and Apollo are confirmed to be coming back for this game as playable attorneys so I'm very exited!
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  2. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Ace Attorney is beautiful. The gameplay is beautiful. He deaths are beautiful. Apollo's hair is beautiful.
    All in all, I'd say "Ace Attorney is beautiful", and I am so excited for AA6!
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  3. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    Aaaaah I love Ace Attorney sooo much!
    Too bad I'll never finish Justice For All though, somehow my phone deleted the save file and I don't want to start all over again...
    I'm so excited for AA6! I'm really curious to see how they're gonna put in the victim's testimony into the game. And Apollo will return too! *fangirl scream*
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  4. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    I for one am excited to see AA6, but what I'd like to see more (though not by much more) is Dai Gyakuten. I know it probably won't due to culture shock and differences, but I can dream. And, it features art styles very similar to that of Layton vs Wright, which had a very crisp appearance and aesthetic appeal.

    Still, if all of what I have heard about AA6 is to be believed, that means it shall be quite a game indeed.
  5. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    Yeah I would really like to see that game come to the west.

    One of the reasons is how beautiful the music is:
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