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Advices for my VGC Team

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Riemt, Jul 28, 2014.

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  1. Riemt

    Riemt Youngster

    Jul 28, 2014
    Charizard @ Charizardite Y
    Ability: Blaze
    Level: 50
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Modest Nature
    - Solar Beam
    - Ancient Power
    - Heat Wave
    - Protect

    Rotom-Wash @ Chesto Berry
    Ability: Levitate
    Level: 50
    EVs: 252 HP / 236 Def / 20 Spe
    - Hydro Pump
    - Thunderbolt
    - Will-O-Wisp
    - Rest

    Tyranitar @ Expert Belt
    Ability: Unnerve
    Level: 50
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
    Quiet Nature
    IVs: 0 Spe
    - Ice Beam
    - Dark Pulse
    - Flamethrower
    - Protect

    Ferrothorn @ Lum Berry
    Ability: Iron Barbs
    Level: 50
    EVs: 252 HP / 204 Atk / 52 Def
    Brave Nature
    IVs: 0 Spe
    - Power Whip
    - Leech Seed
    - Protect
    - Gyro Ball

    Gengar @ Focus Sash
    Ability: Levitate
    Level: 50
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Timid Nature
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Focus Blast
    - Protect

    Mamoswine @ Choice Scarf
    Ability: Thick Fat
    Level: 50
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
    Adamant Nature
    - Icicle Crash
    - Icicle Spear
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Slide

    So my core is a standart Fire/Water/Grass with Charizard/Rotom-Wash/Ferrothorn. Through that I can have many save switches.

    • Charizard: Modest for maximum damage and some OHK's on many popular Pokémon like.
    • Rotom-W: Because of the heavy physical metagame I pick defense and Will-o-Wisp, but because of the grass weakness, which is mostlikely special, i choose a calm nature.
    • Ferrothorn: Typical Kangaskhan counter and through the Lumberry and the IV spread i can OHK Rotom-W with a Powerwhip, even if he uses WoW.
    • Tyranitar: He is my counter against Trickroom teams and the special choice sometimes suprises people.
    • Gengar: Used for type coverage.
    • Mamoswine: A bit simmular to Gengar's function so counter stuff in this case dragons, Talonflames and some otherstuff.

    I would be happy, if you could give me some advices for my team!
  2. ninJAS

    ninJAS Proud new daddy!

    (Rayquaza Egg)
    Level 15
    Jul 24, 2014
    Ultra Ball
    I don't play a lot of VGC but there are a few things I can mention.

    First of all even though Modest does give a pretty significant power boost to Charizard without Timid it doesn't reach max Speed making it fall short of base 100 Speed letting it be outsped by A LOT of Pokémon including other base 100's who it could at least speed tie with.

    Next running Gengar without Shadow Ball just seems really odd to me especially seeing as Ghost received a massive power boost this Gen by no longer being resisted by Steel. It's STAB attacks alone provide excellent coverage to everything other than Bisharp which Focus Blast can handle so Dazzling Gleam seems a bit out of place to me.

    Lastly, you team does appear to be slightly Cress weak. ZardY can't OHKO it even in the sun and it can cripple your main special offensive Pokémon with status, Rotom can't touch it since it is a defensive set lacking Trick, Special TTar can hit it hard but no one is going to leave Cress in against it anyway, Ferro can't do much of anything to it even though it is more offensive, Gengar doesn't have Shadow Ball and can't hit it for SE damage, and Scarf Mamoswine generally doesn't have the raw attack power to plow through it.

    Perhaps you can go into a bit more depth about each of your sets rather than just a one liner about each Pokémon at the end? I only ask because honesty I feel like Zard is just kinda thrown in since the sun it brings works AGAINST 4 of your other 5 Pokémon....
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  3. Riemt

    Riemt Youngster

    Jul 28, 2014
    What would you say i could switch Charizard with?
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