Friendly warning: SV spoiler ahead. Read at your own risk. We all know that SV has been out for a good while and I've been quite fascinated by a certain group of "new Pokémon" (?). But unfortunately, I don't even have Switch, let alone the games. So here I am, (re-)playing Ultra Sun but only limiting myself to... Spoiler: SV spoiler ...the contemporary version of Paradox Pokemon: Spoiler: The mons Since Ultra Sun doesn't have Foongus, Phanpy and Deino lines in-game, I'll start out with their eggs hacked in (yes, I play in emulator). And yes, Iron Valiant is a robotized fusion of Gardevoir and Gallade, so I'll try to figure their names out if all the mons were to be named after their paradox versions. 05/29/2023 edit: While it's possible to get Suicune and Virizion in the game, I'll need both Raikou (Ultra Sun exclusive) and Entei (Ultra Moon exclusive) in my party for the former. The only way for me to do so is hacking an Entei in my savefile (I don't have Ultra Moon), so... yeah, not worth the effort. By the way, my in-game name here is Juliana. Haven't decided on my temporary starter yet because it will affect Hau's starter whether I like it or not, so lemme put a poll up real quick... 12/11/2022 edit: Y'know what, screw the poll's deadline, I'm starting the game now. Still need to thank whomever this lone vote came from, though. Spoiler: December 11th poll And now, if y'all excuse me, I need to get my girl to her first Pokecenter ASAP.
As soon as I hatched the eggs (Great Tusk the shiny Phanpy, Iron Treads the normal Phanpy, Brute Bonnet the Foongus, and Iron Jugulis the Deino) and nabbed a Magnemite named Sandy Shocks, I boxed my Litten and attended the local Trainers' School as an exchange student (?) considering the MC's background and all. Forgot most of the details, but I do remember Bonnet taking on the teacher's Popplio. I might get it wrong, though. Fast forwarding through the plot (can't exactly remember what I did while fighting the first Skull grunt and Ilima either ), got myself a Makuhita named Iron Hands in Route 2. It was the earliest I could get a Makuhita and I plan to get the rest of my allowed mons as soon as I find one no matter how rare (*cough* Bagon *cough*) or tedious (*cough* Misdreavus *cough*) it might be. And yes, Misdreavus is only available in Poke Pelago here, so I've been catching other mons just to expand it later on. Once I got to the Verdant Cavern, the first trial began in earnest. Jugulis' Dragon Rage was indispensable here. Spoiler: vs Totem Gumshoos Turn 1 Sandy: Thunder Wave Totem Gumshoos: Paralyzed Turn 2 (ally Yungoos summoned) Sandy: Thunder Wave on Yungoos Ally Yungoos: Leer Totem Gumshoos: Paralyzed Turn 3 Sandy: Magnet Bomb on Gumshoos Ally Yungoos: Leer Totem Gumshoos: Scary Face Turn 4 Sandy: Thunder Shock on Gumshoos Totem Gumshoos: Paralyzed Ally Yungoos: Pursuit Turn 5 Sandy: Thunder Shock on Gumshoos Ally Yungoos: Pursuit Totem Gumshoos: Scary Face Turn 6 Ally Yungoos: Pursuit Totem Gumshoos: Bite (Sandy down) Turn 7 (Jugulis out) Jugulis: Dark Pulse on Gumshoos (Gumshoos down) Ally Yungoos: Odor Sleuth Turn 8 Jugulis: Dragon Rage on Yungoos (Yungoos down) By the time I finished the first trial, Professor Kukui was in full panic mode because he lost Lillie's track at Route 3. Shouldn't hurt to help out, I guess. Turned out she was in the Melemele Meadow, still chasing Nebby who made their way into a nearby cave -- Seaward Cave, was it? I wanna do a Delibird hunt there but Dulse of the Ultra Recon Squad just had to get in my way. Spoiler: vs Dulse Turn 1 Dulse's Furfrou: Baby-Doll Eyes Tusk: High Horsepower (miss) Turn 2 Dulse's Furfrou: Headbutt Tusk: Rollout Turn 3 Dulse's Furfrou: Sand Attack Tusk: Rollout Turn 4 Dulse's Furfrou: Growl Tusk: Rollout Turn 5 Dulse's Furfrou: Sand Attack Tusk: Rollout Turn 6 Dulse's Furfrou: Sand Attack Tusk: Rollout (miss) Turn 7 Tusk: Switch to Jugulis Dulse's Furfrou: Headbutt Turn 8 Dulse's Furfrou: Sand Attack Jugulis: Dark Pulse Turn 9 Dulse's Furfrou: Sand Attack Jugulis: Dark Pulse (miss) Turn 10 Dulse's Furfrou: Sand Attack Jugulis: Dragon Rage (Furfrou down) Thankfully though, the game allowed me to stay for my Delibird hunt -- and got one which I named Iron Bundle. I then got out of the cave with Nebby in tow and... bumped into Hau. Great. Battle time. Spoiler: vs Hau Turn 1 Sandy: Thunder Shock Hau's Rowlet: Peck Turn 2 Sandy: Thunder Shock Hau's Rowlet: Astonish Turn 3 Sandy: Thunder Shock Hau's Rowlet: Astonish Turn 4 Sandy: Tackle (Rowlet down) Turn 5 (Hau's Noibat out) Sandy: Magnet Bomb Hau's Noibat: Supersonic Turn 6 Sandy: Confused Hau's Noibat: Tackle Turn 7 Sandy: Tackle (Noibat down) Turn 8 (Bonnet and Hau's Pikachu out) Hau's Pikachu: Thunder Shock Bonnet: Body Slam Turn 9 Hau's Pikachu: Growl Bonnet: Body Slam (Pikachu down) That said, everyone made their way back to Iki Town. But me? I took my time for a Bagon hunting along the way. So one Bagon (nicknamed Roaring Moon) and some grinding later, I finally caught up for Juliana's first grand trial. Spoiler: vs Hala Turn 1 Moon: Headbutt Hala's Machop: Revenge Turn 2 Hala's Machop: Focus Energy Moon: Headbutt Turn 3 Moon: Headbutt (Machop down) Turn 4 (Hands and Hala's Makuhita out) Hands: Fake Out Hala's Makuhita: Flinched Turn 5 Hands: Force Palm Hala's Makuhita: Paralyzed Turn 6 Hands: Potion to Moon Hala's Makuhita: Full Heal Turn 7 Hands: Sweet Heart to Moon Hala's Makuhita: Super Potion Turn 8 Hands: Force Palm Hala's Makuhita: Sand Attack Turn 9 Hands: Force Palm (Makuhita down) Turn 10 (Bundle and Hala's Crabrawler out) Bundle: Brick Break Hala's Crabrawler: All-Out Pummeling Turn 11 Bundle: Switch to Tusk Hala's Crabrawler: Power-Up Punch Turn 12 Hala's Crabrawler: Leer Tusk: High Horsepower Turn 13 Hala's Crabrawler: Leer Tusk: Tackle Turn 14 Tusk: Switch to Bonnet Hala's Crabrawler: Leer Turn 15 Hala's Crabrawler: Leer Bonnet: Mega Drain (Crabrawler down) Sooo... yeah. Had to train everyone up to level 20 after several outtakes -- and worth it. And Juliana got a Tauros ride for all the trouble. By the way, I'm trying to get my girl's outfit to be as close as possible to Juliana's uniform in Scarlet due to Ultra Sun's available clothing colors (I would've done its Violet version if this were Ultra Moon). You're welcome. Spoiler: OOTD? Can't do anything about the shoes for now tho. Spoiler: Proof of travels Spoiler: Checklist Current team Spoiler: Moon (Bagon) Codename: Roaring Moon Nature: Calm Ability: Rock Head Moves: Dragon Breath, Ember, Headbutt, Bite Spoiler: Bundle (Delibird) Codename: Iron Bundle Nature: Docile Ability: Vital Spirit Moves: Present, Brick Break Spoiler: Tusk (Phanpy) Codename: Great Tusk Nature: Serious Ability: Sand Veil Moves: Tackle, Growl, Rollout, High Horsepower Spoiler: Bonnet (Foongus) Codename: Brute Bonnet Nature: Hardy Ability: Effect Spore Moves: Mega Drain, Body Slam, Growth, Feint Attack Spoiler: Treads (Phanpy) Codename: Iron Treads Nature: Bashful Ability: Pickup Moves: Tackle, Rollout, Defense Curl, Body Slam Spoiler: Hands (Makuhita) Codename: Iron Hands Nature: Sassy Ability: Thick Fat Moves: Force Palm, Fake Out, Knock Off, Arm Thrust PS: Names on the spoiler titles are the mons' in-game names.