So Hrae has taken up running the Arcade event. We had to do some digging to find Azalea's old scoring system on the event so just wanted to clarify how it's being done. At the end of each week, we will tally your team's scores for the week. The team with the higher overall score for that weeks WINS that week. Week 1, Crimson had the highest score and took a 1-0 lead. Week 2, Azure rallied back valiantly and tied it 1-1. This will go on till the fourth week. We understand a 4-4 tie could happen and in case of that, we'll go back and tally your team's score for all 4 weeks. Whoever has that overall highest score for the duration of the month will win that tiebreaker. The prize will most likely be your team encountering some rare Pokémon via the Catcher. For that reason, I deleted the previous Week 3 thread for the Arcade Event and instead put up a new one with this clarification. Now if you submitted your score in the old thread, don't fret. Just PM me and I'll reply with your screenshot of your score so you can resubmit it in the new thread.