Howdy! The (Very Intelligent, Most Famous and handsome) Eccentric Axolotl is here to answer your most burning questions about me, my fanfiction or anything in general, I'm very curious to read you have to ask. All I ask is that they're relevant, yes you can ask a few joke questions, just don't say something stupid like 'What colour is the water?' That is something you ask Google (to save you time on that subject, it's colourless).
what color is colorless? Jokes aside, What are your thoughts on humans destroying the Earth? Do you move a lot? Would you move if you had the chance or are you comfortable where you are currently
1). Good question. I am indeed alarmed and displeased on how humans treat our planet, but they are however just a few bad eggs in the population. Plenty of humans go out of their way to maintain and protect mother nature, and I hope that someday I can be apart of those people, or at the very least support them. 2). Not really. Much like humans, I get attached to the places I live, and stay there as long as I can. 3). Despite what I just said, yes, I would love to live somewhere near the mountains and river. Somewhere rural, where it's nice and peaceful. Low population, minimal pollution and being in touch with nature (the wi-fi's going to suck though... And I doubt I could get a pizza delivered, but those are compromises I can most definitely tolerate).
1). Unlike other pairings where people scraped the bottom of the barrel so much it's been reduced to sawdust, I actually think Sun and Lillie is a decent ship. It's cute, and they actually had some chemistry together, despite Sun not speaking a word of dialouge (in the games at least). 2). Although I prefer classic rock, yes, I do like jazz.
Where does your username come from? How did you discover Lake Valor? What were your thoughts about it at first? Where does your avatar come from? Is it the only one you had here?
1). As far as my name origin goes it shared the same name with my account. Being that the main character (and shameless self-insert) was a mudkip, which was partially based on an axolotl, I went with that and decided to give it a somewhat memorable adjective. 2a). Someone who private messaged me through told me about the site. 2b). In terms of my original thoughts on it, I just saw it as a place to make my fanfiction more known. The catching mechanic interested me too. 3). It's just the mudkip sprite from the first two mystery dungeon games. And yes it's the only one I have; or at least until I get a submitted drawing of my shameless self-insert. 1). Mewtwo. I always thought the design was really cool, and as well as the fact they (mewtwos are genderless) have a HUGE movepool. Capturing one for the first time was really exhilarating, considering how powerful it was (and this was before mega evolution). Not to mention, it is a pretty fun character to play as in Smash Bros. 2). Mega kangaskhan's parental bond. So many possibilities you can do with it... It's kind of a shame it got nerfed. 3). Toxic and toxic spikes. Both of them are great for dealing with defensive pokémon... Unless they're steel and/or poison or have the immunity ability (flying types and pokémon with levitate for toxic spikes).
What is your favorite Pokémon music track from any of the games and why? If Quagsire got a mega evolution, what would you want it to look like?
What kind of butter do you like? With what kind of toys were you playing when you were little? Do you still have them? Do you eat much?
1). 'Through the Sea of Time' from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky/Darkness/Time.Not only does it have memorable tunes, but it's also set really well for the tone, since Spoiler it occurs when Grovyle says an emotional goodbye before he forces Dusknoir back to the future (reference unintended) . Honourable mentions go to: 'Zinnia's Theme'; 'Dialga's Fight to the Finish'; 'Far Amp Plains'; 'Champion: Iris's Theme' and 'Battle against Dusknoir'. 2). I honestly don't know. Quagsire could do with a mega-evolution, the problem is its design is really simple and I never put much thought into it until now. I'm perfectly fine with my own voice, if I'm fully honest. Although, say if I was a robot, I would like to be modelled after a certain rectangle (with some major changes by myself, though). To name a few: the first 'Guardians of the Galaxy', 'Wall-E', 'The Lego Movie' and 'Wreak-it-Ralph' (bare in mind I haven't seen every movie in existence, but I do plan on watching 'Pulp-Fiction', the original 'It' and 'Doctor Strange'). 1). Odd question... Store bought butter? Butter is butter if you ask me. 2). Some of my favourites were Lego and Bionicles. And yes I still have them and don't plan on getting rid of them anytime soon. 3). Yes... Sometimes a little too much though.
What is the kindest thing that a stranger has done for you? Are there any personality traits that make you instantly dislike someone?
1). Don't know 2). I'm not particularly fond of people who are incredibly pompous or close-minded or two-faced. Haven't heard the Ultra Necrozma theme yet (I've not made it that far in Ultra Sun yet), Arceus's theme is pretty great, but I wouldn't consider it a favourite of mine.
My favourite type of cheese? What? Well, since you've already asked, I like the kind with a strong taste. Blue cheese is one that always comes to mind, when I'm in the mood for something well... cheesy.
Welp, since you asked me and not google, I'm more or less required to answer instead. An axolotl (pronounced axe-oh-lo-tl) Is a typically aquatic salamander that lives in the lakes of mexico. Their diet generally consists of bloodworms, small fish and smaller axolotls (just to be clear I'm not one of them that eats their own kind) and are capable of regenerating limbs and even vital organs, this even includes the brain. Also, they're critically endangered, and in urgent need of re-population... So erm... Spread awareness, please.