I have no idea why people would want to ask me anything. There's a reason the title is what it is. But if you want to...go ahead. And if I get spammed with the question 'why are you so weird', I'm saying it right now. I actually don't know. #MissingNo
DEAR GOD I dunno. You tell me. I guess it's because I'm Divergent and therefore different and also weird. Yes, that's my answer. #MissingNo
Why are you a book series? What is the difference between you and the rest of the world? Do you like boots or shoes more? What is the meaning of life? What is your favorite movie? Do you know about Ishtar?
If I was that book series, I would be very popular and most likely go insane (like I'm not already) from having so many people around REGARDLESS I am an insane fangirling hermit who would dearly like to start the zombie apocalypse just to have the quiet afterwards. Normal people usually aren't sociopathic/psychopathic murderous villains who daydream about starting plagues and who's favorite mobile game is Plague.Inc because they are twisted freaks who would not balk at murder. Just saying. I like shoes so I can run after punching annoying people. Also, I have broken in all my boots wrong SOMEHOW so I never use them and now my shoes are practically falling apart because I drag my feet. Life has no meaning. But I intend to show everyone that I'm not changing from my weird ways just because I want to show society that they don't own me, if that counts. My favorite movie is either Spirited Away (the anime one) or Pokémon: The First Movie, although I'm more inclined towards the former. Nothing, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I don't know anything. #MissingNo
Time to open the floodgates, I guess~ What do you fangirl about? Do you have a favorite Pokémon ship?
Brace yourself-when I get on a rant there's no stopping me. First off, I am a hardcore shipper and go practically crazy over that stuff. Then I fanfiction about it so the rest of the world can go 'oh dear god what the crap is this' at my writing. I write every free moment I can and am currently at 99 pages single-space in a fanfiction. My fandoms are as listed: Pokémon (duh) Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, Virals, Wings Of Fire, Fablehaven, Big Nate, Spirited Away, a bit of Yandere, and creepypasta all around. Two Divergent quotes or memes because I feel like it: 'Amity is red, Erudite wear blue, insult Divergent and I'll kill you' 'Jingle bells, Peter smells, Edward ran away, Will died, Christina cried, FourTris all the way' I could go on, but I won't so I don't kill anyone from listening to me ramble on. I do. Actually I have three. WHY DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE wait I won't SoulSilver, Conflicting, and LunarEdge. Silver is my favorite Pokémon character, he's my favorite rival and I adore the fact that he opens up to Kotone. Blue is such an arrogant jerk, but he's actually a very interesting character, especially in the whole Blue's Raticate thing that I LOVE. I have a feeling that he'd really show some of his soft side to Leaf, and OMG IT'S SO FLUFFY LunarEdge is just YES. Gladion ties forfavorite character with Blue, and the whole Aether storyline and how he fits into it is amazing. Also, he has a Silvally, and that beast is also my second-favorite 'Mon after Giratina. I think Gladion really fits with Moon, because he has that whole 'protective' vibe towards those he cares about. Sorry for ranting. But that wasn't even the full force...yeah #MissingNo
:: So now you have me curious. I've read all 3 books in the Divergent trilogy and I've formed my opinions on the series, so my question is: What are your opinions on the Divergent book series? Why is that? (I'd recommend spoiler tags when talking about more crucial events, for those who haven't read them yet and are browsing this thread.) :: How receptive are you to feedback, or even the opinions or stances of other people in general? :: When your ship sails in the morning, do you wonder what's for dinner?
Yeah, of course spoiler alerts! Spoiler So, I think Divergent was the best book. Insurgent was decent, but I felt like there was wasted potential there, in so many places. Allegiant was refreshing, you saw things from Tobias's POV which I thought was really a different tilt on the world. Of course I may have cried for fifteen minutes after Tris got shot, but I still intend to ship FourTris until the end. Overall, I loved the writing style, it felt real and sudden. And of course the characters were AWESOME I think I'm pretty receptive-well at least now I am. On Fanfiction.net, I got a review from St. Elmo's Fire, and that guy is notorious for being harsh. Being the horrible person I am, I started a PM war with him, but we eventually left off on a cordial note. I should not have lashed out, because I now realize that he did not criticize my actual writing, he was trying to help (in his own way). I became more ready to accept criticism after that, and if he ever reads this I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I still argue with people over small things, but I'm trying to become slightly better. In the end, that's all we can do-slightly better, bit by bit. Yes. Usually. #MissingNo
Well, I'm a fan of the Sphinx. Sue me. I'd say Four, if you know what I mean. Missing from quite a bit. God I cannot believe I made that joke #MissingNo
Do you like waffles? Is the yellow Swellow mellow jello? What's the best fanfiction you have ever read in the Pokémon archive? What's the best in all archives other than Pokémon? What kind of chocolate do you like best: milk, dark, or white?
I do. I do like waffles an embarrassingly lot. Especially with whipped cream mmm. -Thunder Armour jk Definitely! I'd have to say My Stubborn Cure by FieryFafar OH MY GOD it is SO FREAKING GOOD and Kotone x Silver for the win! Do you mean fanfiction? I'd have to say Blood and Chocolate, a Harry Potter fanfic tha sadly is not on FF. OC X Snape and AMAZING! I actually really like white chocolate. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Milk is good too! Actually, any...#ChocolateNerd I also like french toast I'M SORRY #MissingNo
:: How many video games do you own? (A rough estimate is also fine.) :: Have you ever attempted a Rubik's Cube before? :: Have you ever had the urge to just break out into dance?
Oh god. Well, Pokémon, of course, and some Wii stuff, some downloads on the computer...of the ones I play regularly, I'd estimate 15. So, too many. I have. I enjoy them immensely. Yes. And then (usually) I do dance, and then I get weird looks and have to come up with a flimsy excuse. #MissingNo
I was wondering when someone would ask. I actually encountered MissingNo on a friend's old copy of Pokémon Blue, and I instantly fell in love. MissingNo is such a creepypasta, awesome glitch with INFINITE fanfiction possibilities-I would know. A few of my friends at school actually started calling me 'MissingNo' because they compared me to the glitch-'don't come near me or I'll mess you up'. At least, that's what I basically act like. I became practically OBSESSED with glitches after I found the thing, and started putting the backwards-L shape next to my name as my signature when I signed stuff. I made a version of my signature as #MissingNo for digital use. Since then, I've really become attached to the glitch, and decided to put in online as a tribute to my Gen 1 encounter. Well, I read your 'How did you come up with your username' post, and personally I think it's pretty cool. Sounds awesome, like some almost-cyborg (to me). Oh god. Well, a few nights ago I had a dream about doors. Like, opening and closing doors. It was bizarre. And for some reason Mario appeared and I had to find the princess or something...god that sounds stupid. Shutting up now. #MissingNo
So, now we know why you love MissingNo. So, what's up with Giratina? Why do you like it so much? Would you ever dare to steal from a Kecleon Shop in PMD? Are there any games you're interested in finding out about that everybody around you talks about? What's your favorite TV show?