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Ask me something and I might answer truthfully

Discussion in 'Question & Answer' started by 8542Madness, Jun 3, 2014.

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  1. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    I've seen a bunch of these and wanted to get in on the fun. Just ask me any question and I will do my best to answer truthfully. Seriously, anything goes.
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  2. Pyramid King

    Pyramid King Just checking on things

    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 1
    Apr 2, 2013
    How did you come up with your name?
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  3. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    Who created your awesome profile pic? :D jk, jk.

    Where did you get your quotes from? What site, I need to find a good quotes site.
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  4. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    Actually, I have no idea. There is no reason at all for this name.

    ...okay, shinygiratinaz will rat me out if I don't tell the truth about this one. The truth is that the number combination 8542 is the result of reversing the first four numbers of the first Fibonacci sequence I ever wrote. I was four years old and completely obsessed with mathematics. For some reason, the Fibonacci sequence was a really cool concept to me. I can't remember the actual equation, but it was something like x+2, x-1, x+3, x-1, x+4, etc.

    The Madness part comes from both a true personal issue and joke. The joke was that many people told me I was crazy or completely insane, so "Madness" came naturally to me when I needed to make a username. A long time ago, I used the username 8542Madkitty, but everyone thought I was a girl and that led to really uncomfortable internet confrontations. The personal issue I mentioned had less of an effect on the name choice, but I always found it ironic. The truth is that I am not mentally stable. I see things that do not exist, hear voices that whisper and shout everything and nothing, and randomly perform compulsive tasks without thought or reason. While I have not been truly diagnosed (I would like to avoid the rubber room, thank you), I believe that I am schizophrenic. I do have many of the correct symptoms. For some reason I, unlike other schizophrenics, have the ability to know the difference between what is real and what is not. It isn't 100% accurate, but it has helped me to blend into society without even my parents knowing what is wrong with me.

    So long story short, I am completely mad. Everyone says I am completely mad. Therefore, I am Madness. (NO, THIS IS SPARTA)
  5. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    Why didn't you just walk over to my room to ask me this?

    Anyway, I just googled "good quotes". I got a bunch and sorted through them all. I have a list of my favorites and some personal quotes at http://8542madness.wordpress.com/favorite-quotes/
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