Welcome To My Question and Answer Thread, Please ask my chess pieces (Preferable something smart like the queen) questions!!! ~Asking Intensifies~
To the pawn. Do you prefer attacking center, or flank? To the bishop. Are you religious, or is it just a title? To the Pawn: Do ever use the en passant tactic, if so how often? To the Rook: How tall are you? To the Queen: What is your favorite color of outfit? To the Knight: What do you feed your horse?
Pawn 1: I prefer to avoid all types of conflict. Pawn 2: But What About Glory? Pawn 1: There is no glory in war. Pawn 3: I wana ride a horsey! Pawn 1: En passant, I don't speak French! Pawn 4: J'aime le lait au chocolat comme je le fais ce mouvement, beaucoup (I like chocolete milk like I do that move, a lot) Pawn 5: "This special way of capturing is called capturing en passant and is abbreviated e.p. En passant is a French expression which means "in passing" The en passant capture must be done immediately after the black pawn advances two squares. If White plays another move she cannot then decide to capture en passant!" All Pieces But Pawn 5: Nerd!!! Bishop 1: My father was once a true bishop, but left after seeing the church as a lie, he started a war, he did not survive. To this day, for me and my son, it is just a title. Rook 1: Im only 4 Foot 9.... I know Im A Rook-ie Queen: I don't care about about the color, it's a good dress to me if its expensive and I can move around in it, I'd like to be able to get away in a hurry, with these boys and there war. Pawn 2: Hey! Knights: We like to feed our horses Checkers Mix. 100th Post
To Apawn: Can I ask questions about you? Are you a big fan of chess? Do you have any unique hobbies? Do you like cats or dogs better? What's your opinion on space-pirates? Do you prefer warm colours or cool colours?
Sure, I like chess a lot, but I'm not obsessed with it, I was actually on a school team once and I'm really good at playing the game. We my only "Unique" Hobby is Live Roleplay Pokémon with my friends, I haven't be able to do it in a long time though because I moved away from them and haven't made friends that want to do that.... Cats, I have 2 of them as well Space Pirates eh? Pretty Cool I'd Say #HanSolo Cool Colors is my favorite of the two, much like my weather preference.
Are you already tired of all the chess questions? Do you play Ace Attorney? Favorite genre of music? Do you enjoy a nice game of checkers?
*Not Even Close!!!! *Yes, I do play AA, I haven't played one of the games in a long time though.... *Video Game Music/ Techno *If its with someone how can play well, then yes.
I've played so many giving an exact number is impossible :/. I'd give a 13:1 (Win:Lose) Ratio though. Keep in mind I've only played children up to my age (late teen years/ young adults) and not full on adults.
Do you prefer to travel by bike, by car, by bus, by train, by metro or by airplane? Is there a TV show you're currently watching? If yes, what's it called? What's your favourite color?
Which colour do you prefer picking from the two teams: White or Black? Which Pokémon game did you pick between Pokémon White 2 and Black 2?
*Bike is my favorite realist way of travel 'cause I control all of the movement (Latios is preferred over bike thou) *I Started Plastic Memories when this was originally posted, currently I'm throwing around a few animes... *Yellow, IDK why *White, first move is why I like it so much *Black 2 'cause Zekrom Whites Legendary Poke' *Professor Layton, which is BACK! *21 Pilots, Ode To Sleep is my favorite song of theirs *Black. (Which is very standard of me to wear that color)
What's one (or more if there are more) Pokémon that you just really don't like, and why? If somehow there are none you don't like, which then do you like the most?
Quilfish - The durp that challenges Dunsparces Durpyness Slyveon- Good Competitive Mon, design is a bit poor Dialga - Takes all the fame from Palkia One SM mon is on this list too, but it is a Spoiler, but I'll tell yah later
:: Do you have a favourite kind of landscape you like to look at or be in? :: Do you have a favourite time of day - i.e. not day vs night, but in terms of hours or events? :: If you somehow pass me and make it to the back, will you become a queen? Or what if I pass you?
What every Italy's rip off of Life Savers are (The Gummy O's) A Winter Wonderland... Or real life-sized chessboard 40-50 Pm and 90-100 PM, My quiet time Unless you have a Pass skill you won't pass me because I have Obstruct. But I'd go for the Knight and hope that I just happen to have shinning armor (Maybe then I could get a lady for once)