So I've decided to do something different my giveaway this month. Everyone gets a maximum of three Pokémon clones, they can be clones of something from my inventory, or I can make clones of something for you. I can only clone something if I have it in my inventory so please double check before you decide on something. Need an event? Need a shiny I have? Do you want bank and rare ball Pokémon for your collection? Do you want to make copies of a Pokémon you have to give to friends? I can clone it for you. Do note that in order for me to clone something, I basically give myself a copy because I have to make a save state in order to clone it. also do note that If you have me make 3 copies of a Pokémon, then you get 4 Pokémon back because, you get one of what you gave me plus 3 more copies. Be aware that in most communities, when something is cloned there are no originals, just copies. So, this giveaway will go from now until 5pm wednesday, october 3, 2018. I will be cloning and handing Pokémon out whenever I am on discord and I'm not at work. I will be on during my days off mostly so feel free to hit up this thread or to hit me up on discord. I will post any discord orders in the thread for record keeping purposes. I look forward to taking orders for this and remember, it is free! I hope you guys enjoy this.
Looks pretty cool Strytho. Right now I can only think of two Pokémon I'm interested in. I may update this later. 1. Serena's Fenniken event 2. 2016 Legends Manaphy
I have the game freak event from 2016 if that is what you are referring to. If so I could get it to you in gens 6, 7, or both. How many would you need?
Yeah that's the one. I just need 2. I don't mind which gen you send it to whatever is easier for you.