*Hello, and welcome to my Shop! As you probably already know, this is a fusion Shop. Also, I am in no way professional. I only accept fusions of bipedal Pokémon, as I am not good at fusion of quadripedal Pokémon. My fusion involves mostly editing and recoloring. I will have to politely refuse orders if i cannot do them. Also, i will not do 3D sprites or animated sprites. Oh, and just in case you would like to know, I use MS Paint, the best program to use for noobs. If you know any better editing programs that are free, please notify me. *RULES* All orders must follow Lake Valor's Rules, and only two or three Pokémon can be requested for a single fusion. If you wish to change your request, just edit your post. *PRICES* *The price depends on the complexity of your order. *ORDER FORM* Pokémon to be fused: (please include sprites to be used, also please say which one i should use for the base sprite) Color Scheme: (What colors do i use for the fusion) Other notes: (What else would you like on the fusion, other things you would like to say, etc.) ---------------- Waiting List: 1. 2. 3. 4. --------------- *EXAMPLES* (NOT FOR SALE) NEXT TWO ORDERS ARE FREE THIS WEEKEND ONLY
IM IN FOR THE PUNCH if someone doesn't beat me. I would like: Bisharp/Lucario fusion, B/W sprites Color Scheme: What a fusion between Lucario/Bisharp would be like a.k.a Black, blue, red, etc Extra notes: Nothing! (I think...) Thanks!
@Auric whoops...sorry. Sprites to be fused: Sorry if they're too big. Color scheme: Red, black, blue Extra notes: Nothing! (I think) Tell me if there's something I need to change.
Oh, nice to see another sprite artist on here! Let's see... Pokémon to be fused: Granbull as base sprite, fused with Skarmory and Gothorita Color Scheme: Anything but Granbull's base colours. Preferably Skarmory's colours with gothorita's blacks, but it's flexible. Other notes: If you can aim for what amounts to 'Granbull, but cooler', that would be great. Otherwise, I'm just excited to see what you create!