Reports of my death? Greatly exaggerated. I am still alive. As you may have noticed, I've been gone for a minute or like seven hundred thousand. Why? Here's the short version: I suddenly had to go somewhere and was there a while. I got hurt and hospitalized, I went home, I didn't quite get better. Then I went other places! I got sick (related to the previous hurt). I was hospitalized again. I'm still sick, but I'm home again (as of the day after the eclipse), and staying home, for the most part. That's the short version. Maybe it would be easier just to say I was in a soap-opera-like coma. So what's different for me now? I was away from school and my previous job for long enough that I'm no longer enrolled or employed respectively at either of those places. My stay in the hospital has sapped my wellness so much so that I should probably be bedridden, but I can't be bedridden because my hospital stay got me new employment in the hospital as a vastly underqualified but still competent laboratory and archival assistant in a private practice (talk about a silver lining, it's the best job I've had). I've played almost no Pokémon in the past year and a half, but am planning on getting Ultra Circle In The Sky pretty soon after release, though I haven't even played Regular Circle In The Sky version. And yes, I am still super bitter about there not being a Pokémon Z. I can't even verbalize my disappointment and rancor at Nintendo for not making it. So, yeah. Sorry for vanishing? I really want to crash through a wall and shout "I'm back, baby!" but seriously, just being up and about leaves me too exhausted to even pretend to do that in internet words. Hi everyone.
Oh hi there Zero! It's really nice to see that you're back in the forums, and that you're doing better as well! I don't remember you being around for a while, though it's cool to see older members coming back to the site! Maybe we'll be able to chat sometime as well~
Hey Zero, it's nice to see you back! That's some story you've got there, I can't believe it all happened, but you don't have a reason to lie. As you've probably already noticed, the site's changed a lot since you left, and even some of the people have changed too obvious implications are obvious but it's awesome to see you back! Regular Circle in the Sky is a good game, but with Ultra Circle in the Sky a mere stone's throw away, I wouldn't bother with playing the regular - the games look similar enough to where you'd be unaffected by not having played one or the other, and I'm sure 99% of this site can inform you on anything you want or need to know. Even though I'm repeating myself, it is really good to see you back. I was actually curious as to your whereabouts not that long ago, so is this simply a coincidence, or me twisting fate? My powers have grown since we last spoke, so I'm leaning towards the latter.
Doing better isn't totally accurate. I am in constant pain (at my discharge, one of the doctors asked "do you think you're at a zero or one in pain?" to which I replied "I haven't been below a three in over a year, what are you talking about?"), and manage to sleep through the night once every other week or so, but I'm okay enough to walk for five minutes without collapsing (though even going grocery shopping is hazardous). I'm stable enough to sit at a computer to read and interact without the benefit of pay or other encouragement, instead of just listening to NPR or podcasts or reading in bed. Uhh, Aura? Is that you Aura? Bruh, your name changes so much. It's good to see some friendly faces are still here (not that there are any unfriendlies at LV). Yeah, the last year and few months have been something. Between work and the amount of time I have to spend in bed, I might not be here much, but I'll definitely be more present than the recent past. And the Ultra games are only two months out or so, and I'm patient. Seeing my signature reminded me that I started playing Black 2 way late (probably a few months before my departure), so 2 months is nothing. I might see if my internet can handle Showdown, and still if I still suck as much as I used to.
At least ya are back, just take ya full time to recover, and sorry to hear about school and work. It is unfair they do that. good luckat getting better
Hello @Zero Sifr I actually stumbled on a bunch of your old threads while doing some light reading. I didn't expect to see you back so it feels like a weird coincidence but boy am I happy to see a returning member! There have been a ton of changes so do let me know if you need help navigating the forums or have any questions!
I log in to see An unexpected surprise HOLY FLYING SHIT I had assumed you'd disappeared somewhere due to life, work, or a combination thereof becoming too intense to handle, causing you to unexpectedly withdraw. I have to admit I honestly didn't expect to see hide or hair of you ever again, but I am definitely pleased to see that is no longer the case. We clearly have a lot to catch up on - and where do I begin? I grabbed hold of a pink rung on a ladder, and gradually was given the opportunity to start climbing. I hope you haven't forgotten who I am - I haven't changed my username or anything, so I'm still the same dragon as I've always been. Excuse me while I sit down for a bit and yell internally to get over the shock.
@Eclipse Damn, what up, brother? I can't state how much I miss haiku rap battles. Sorry for leaving. Reasons for my departure, they are manifold I am so withered, drained by the year that's gone by. Always exhausted The best I can do Is only somewhat active. But at least I'm back. It's good to be here. I'll stick around longer now, with you cool people.
Hot dang.. welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, but it definitely sounds like it all happened for a reason, as much as I'm sure you struggled to go through it all. Glad to hear you like your new job. ♡ & ya we're totally cool. And of course we missed you. Stick around okay? You have our support as always if something happens. <3