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books to movies where plot changes

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Sachi-Shimazu, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    Just watched Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters and the first thing I thought after the movie was "The hell did I just watch?" There were so many plot problems in it
    including Silena already being revealed as Luke's ally. Kronos rises. Ethan Nakumura shown and known by Annabeth, already on Luke's side. Grover isn't Polythemus' captive at the start of the movie. Annabeth and Tyson dying and being resurrected. And Circe's island was said to be already destroyed and completely skipped over
    It even screws up the greek mythology side saying that it was Riptide and Poseidon who killed Kronos and that Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades killed Kronos together originally.

    I also had discrepancies with the first book with the fact that they were searching for the pearls and again a screw up to greek mythology. IT WAS SUMMER, WHY WAS PERSEPHONE WITH HADES!!!

    What book to movies have you watched where this stuff happens where you can't stand the movie cause it changes the plotline.
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  2. Aero

    Aero Black Belt

    Aug 1, 2013
    The most obvious answer is Harry Potter. I can't stand Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2. Actually I can't stand any HP movie with Yates.

    Also Eragon. I hear World War Z completely split off from the book also. I also hear that The Hunger Games also deviated from the book in that the movie turned the story into a love story instead of the survival/dystopian society story it is in the movie.
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  3. ~Snowy~

    ~Snowy~ Poké Maniac

    Jul 17, 2013
    Like Aero said, Harry Potter. But I still like both the movies and the books. The book describes the story in more detail than the movies. The movies help you visualize how the setting and characters look.
  4. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    I simply refuse to watch How To Train Your Dragon. I loved those books as a kid but since they done totally changed up Toothless I refused to watch it. I feel they really butchered a quintisensial part of the series.
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  5. Fooze

    Fooze Rival

    May 31, 2013
    Probably Eragon for me. The fact that they left so many important characters and events out of the film, makes it almost impossible for a sequel to be made. I've read three of the four books in the series and I made a mistake in watching the movie first only to later realize that many critical aspects had been left out.

    I'm not a huge fan of Harry Potter but apparently the last few films were disappointing.

    Oh and the Percy Jackson films are a complete waste of time.
  6. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Ah, yes, Harry Potter. I remember I had just finished reading Half-blood Prince for the second time when I saw the trailer on tv and all of the extra scenes they added. I felt lost, haha.
  7. GarchompIsBlaziken

    Jun 16, 2013
    This is a movie that hasn't come out yet but the trailer made the movie look like a giant pile of shit. The book series is called "The Last Apprentice" The movie is called the seventh son, which still makes sense but the main antagonist in the book is an evil witch an in the movie she is apparently a dragon and the land in the book is just sorta fields, forests, and hills, but in the movie Its like all hills giant forests and castles and its nothing like in the book. It just looks like the worst movie out there, which is a shame because it is my very favorite series.
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  8. Shadow Blaze

    May 17, 2013
    In the first Percy Jackson book Persephone wasn't there with Hades. Percy even wished that she was there because he'd heard that she was good at calming Hades down when he was pissed.

    I do agree with you about the movie though. I'm not even going to try watching The Sea of Monsters.

    Another is The Guardians of Ga'Hoole. In the transition between the book and the movie they made the plot much more generic, and naturally, they took out the darker (and horribly important) scenes. The big thing though was the character called Metal Beak.
    In the book Kludd grew up into Metal Beak, but in the movie Metal Beak was an entirely different character.
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  9. Aero

    Aero Black Belt

    Aug 1, 2013
    I might watch Sea of Monsters, just to see Nathan Fillion. Not in theaters of course though :P

    I'm never going to go anywhere near the Eragon movie. I saw the poster and immediately knew it was gonna be shit.
  10. eeveeongirl

    eeveeongirl Collector

    Aug 25, 2013
    I loved this book series, have all of them on my bookshelf still, when I heard Ga'Hoole was becoming a movie I was ecstatic, then I heard it was going to be based off the first 3 books and I was okay with that it was understandable the books were rather small...then they went and screwed it all up! Kludd never went to St. Aegolius in the first book, Digger and Twilight were not living together (on a side note I pictured Twi as a much cooler character), Metal Beak was Kludd only revealed in the 3rd book, Bats were never mentioned in the books, the whole system at the great tree was completely wrong, Otulissa never flirted with Soren (in fact he HATED her when they first met) and the biggest problem was that they introduced Nyra! She didn't come in until book 4...GAH!!!
  11. Madaraki

    Madaraki Poké Maniac

    Apr 12, 2013
    Gonna be obnoxious here; I have both read and seen "The Shining".

    I like the book.

    I like the movie.

    I understand why Stephen King didn't like the movie. It changed a LOT.

    And yet I still enjoy both.

    Now if you wanna talk about books whose movie adaptations were terrible and/or completely missed the point, look at Hannibal (or Starship Troopers).
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  12. Slugkid

    Slugkid Slacker Extraordinaire

    Nov 23, 2012
    Kubrick used to do that, yeah. Skipped the last chapter of A Clockwork Orange. A final chapter with a huge plot twist.

    As mentioned, every Harry Potter movie skipped and twisted some facts. Especially the fifth, I remember them skipping like 300 pages or something. I know the book was long, but maaaan. Make a montage or something!
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