(Friendly reminder to check out the sign-ups for this RP! There is more information and feel free to PM me any questions!) Breath of the Wild RP It has been 90 long years since the Fall of Hyrule Castle, of their ruling monarchy and the people of Hyrule have long since adapted to their new way of life. But they have not forgotten their history nor the legends of their forefathers... Aria huffed as she tugged on Blueberry’s girth, double checking that he didn’t hold his breath… again. “Come on boy,” she murmured, mounting the saddle with practiced ease. Blueberry whickered in response as Aria clicked her tongue. The legend of a hero, clad in green and blessed by the goddess. Aria remembered. Her grandfather would stare at the fire and tell her stories of his bravery from eons ago. Then he would tell her stories of his father’s bravery and courage defending the castle. The familiar anger burned through her for those accursed guardians being dug back up and killing her great-grandfather. Blueberry whinnied and stopped suddenly. Aria exhaled and slackened the reigns. “Steady,” she soothed her steed. “Easy boy.” Aria felt the weight of her grandfather's halberd on her back and she grinned, spurring Blueberry on the path- towards Hyrule and the legacy of her forefathers. Aria ducked under the rock as it flew over her head. She cursed as she glanced back to see the bokoblin hunting around for another rock. Aria clicked her tongue and loosen the reins, sending Blueberry into a gallop as they cleared the forest and thundered down the path. Aria gripped the reins with her left hand, her right hand moving to release the halberd from the saddle. With a deft hand, she clutched the halberd as Blueberry thundered down the path from Hateno- alerting the bokoblins laying in wait. Aria parried the hoe away as she directed Blueberry to run over the monster. She ignored the scream of the dying bokoblin and carried on, spearing the blue bokoblin before he could nab her with the pitchfork. Aria barely glanced behind her as Blueberry left the area and she sighed. “I owe you an apple for that, boy,” she murmured as she stood slightly in the stirrups, slowing Blueberry down. Aria gently sat back down as they turned the corner and kept following the well beaten path.
"Hmph. She did pretty well. 'Spose I may as well go talk to her." Majora jumped off of his branch, silently landing behind the girl who he was watching. The girl and her ride had just single-handedly taken out a Bokoblin, seemingly with ease. Actually, I'll just watch a bit more. But what if I... surprised her a bit, for laughs? Majora thought as he threw down one of his many stolen Yiga smoke balls, surprising the girl, for sure. Before she could turn around, however, Majora was back in the trees. Then he caught a glint in his eyes. Something he recognized, that terrified him. The very same thing that he ran away from after killing his only friend. Oh Goddess of Hylia... please tell me they aren't back!
Blueberry whinnied in response to the smokeball, his ears flat against his skull. Aria coughed and hacked as the smoke entered her lungs, the halberd hitting the ground with a thud as she dropped it to cover her mouth. Blueberry whinnied in fright again, rearing up and Aria clung to him, her knees digging into his side and he bolted, leaving her halberd behind. "Whoa! Whoa!" Aria ordered between coughs. She yanked on the reins and stood in the stirrups to no avail. "Blueberry! Stop!" Blueberry paid her no heed as he rushed along the path towards Fort Hateno- fleeing away from the supposed danger. "Whoa boy!" Aria gripped the reins tighter and Blueberry finally came to a halt- nearly throwing Aria from the saddle, headfirst. "Easy, easy," she soothed, stroking his neck as she felt him tremble under her. Aria craned her neck back up towards the mountain path and sighed heavily. She hoped her grandfather's halberd would still be there when she could retrieve it. "Da's gonna kill me," she quietly bemoaned.
Ok... now's a good time to go... Majora leapt out of the trees in a full on sprint, unaware that he jumped in front of the girl and didn't leave her sight. He just ran, without giving her an explanation as to who he was or where he was going. I can't let them get me!
"What in Hylia's name?" Aria muttered, watching the stranger run off. "What bee bite his butt?" She shook her head and dismounted quickly. "Easy boy," she soothed again, grapping the halter as she led him back up the mountain path. Blueberry followed her obediently as she reached her halberd still on the mountain path. Aria quickly scooped it up and attached it to her shield before remounting and turning Blueberry back around to Fort Hateno. "And away we go, again." The road was smoother this time around as she passed by a wooden house and the trees shadowed her path. Aria thought back to the strange man she had seen eariler. What was he fleeing and should she be concerned? Blueberry huffed and she idly rubbed his neck.
Breathing hard after running for almost an hour, too afraid to look back, Majora reaches Kakariko Village. A blood moon is coming, so the monsters outside will be a lot stronger. No wonder they're inside so early. But none of them know me, and I don't have any rupees on me. How am I supposed to stay safe out here? His mind drifted back to the girl from earlier that day. I doubt she would let me stay, even if she is coming here. I mean, after all, I did kinda throw a smoke ball at her. I guess I'll just sleep in a bush. Majora sighed. "Why does this always happen to me?"
(2 hours before) Aria hummed as Blueberry trotted towards the stable, feeling in a much better mood. She waved at some of the passing merchants before literally almost running over Beedle. "Ack!" He cowered and Aria pulled Blueberry to a halt. "Ah! Sorry!" She apologized quickly. "Are you ok?" Beedle nodded. "I'm fine. Are you buying or selling today?" Aria's lips twitched. "Neither, I'm afraid. Mother requested that I go to Kakarito for pumpkins." She shrugged her shoulders. "Hopefully the roads will be clear." Beedle nodded and shouldered his bag. "I must be going. Byeeee!" He walked back down the path and Aria followed him until they came to fork where she went right, towards the bridge and Beedle went left. The sound of Blueberry's shoes filled the air, breaking the silence. Aria directed Blueberry off the bridge and offered a nod to the man lingering nearby as they continued up the mountain. Aria hummed as she stopped Blueberry every now and then to pick my role herbs and a few apple trees. Blueberry snickered at her shoulder, nosing the apple she had just picked. Aria laughed as she let him bite it before placing the rest of the apple on the ground. "You silly stallion," she teased her indifferent horse. Aria froze as something deep and disturbing settled in her bones. "Blood moon," she whispered, glancing towards the horizon to see the faint glow of red. Aria wasted no time in swinging up on Blueberry and spurring him on. How did she miss that? Aria cursed herself as she pushed Blueberry faster. The air grew darker and more forbidding as Blueblerry passed under the watchful guardians and through the gate. Aria slowed him down to a walk and dismounted. The villiage was deserted and Aria sighed as she led Blueberry towards the Inn and tied him up outside. She slide the door open and went inside to see the counter attendent missing. "Damn," she muttered before heading back outside to spot anyone leaving. Aria let out an explosive exhale- at least the Inn was open and she could pay in the morning. Her stomach grumbled in protest and she moved to quickly grab her supplies from Blueberry and to untie him.
Hearing the sound of what seemed to be hooves hitting the ground rapidly, Majora peaked through the bush. Oh great, it's her. Might as well see where she's going. Maybe I can find somewhere to sleep other than this freaking bush -- Ugh! Majora got up and started following her. He noticed that after she tied up her horse, she seemed to be looking for something. He decided not to ask, as it would've been creepy. So he just went back to the bush. But then, Majora tripped and fell into the thorny bush! Oww! Why do I have more pain from bushes than monsters? And that's when he realized, Oh crap, she might've heard me! Majora then scrambled to hide again, not even daring to take out the thorns yet.
"Who's there?" Aria called out, her hand reaching for her sword as she spun around. She heard something! Her ears twitched ever so slightly as she looked around the area. The waning sun rays did nothing to help and Aria felt her patience thin. Anxiety bubbled in her chest as the air grew thick and a shy with sheer malice.
S-should I come out? You know what? Screw it. "Hey there, no need for the sword. Well, actually, there is one, since it's a blood moon and all..." Niiiice one Majora, real smooth. Man up and talk, it's just a girl. Not like I have time for romance. Still, girls can be confusing. "Uhh. My name's Majora? May I ask what your name is? And may you please at least move the sword away from my throat, please? Sheathe it, maybe?"
"You may ask, but you may not get an answer," Aria immediately retorted but she lowered her sword and took a step back, not removing her eyes from Marjora. "Your name is... Interesting. I will judge the need of my sword... or not." She sighed again before moving back towards Blueberry, careful to angle herself where she did not expose her back to Marjora while sheathing her sword. "I'm waiting in the inn. You are welcome to join me as there seems to be a lack of an innkeep." Aria ungirthed Blueberry and uncliped his reins from the bit- no use to make it easy for any bokoblins, she reasoned. She placed the reins around her neck and gathered the saddle and blanket in her arms. "Either way, you may call me Aria." Aria slide the door open with her foot and went into the inn.
Aria? I suppose that does make my name stand out compared to hers. Didn't really have to be harsh about it though. Well, I guess I did deserve it, actually. "Well, in that case, I'll take you up on your offer. You're one of the first people I've met in... a long time." I don't want to give any information away just yet. I don't even know if I can trust... Aria. Majora walked up and stood next to Aria, arms folded. They just stood there in silence, giving Majora his first good look at the girl. He decided that although she looked pretty, he would try not to bother her. Something told him if he did that he'd probably get his throat slit in an instant.
Aria dumped the saddle on a nearby table and sighed. In the back of her mind, her mother berated her for her lack of tact. "Sorry for my rudeness- the blood moon is stressing me out," she turned around to face him and made a valiant effort not to fold her arms. As in, she raised her arms to fold them before forcing them down where they hung at her side for a second or two before she slipped her thumbs in her belt. "I'll make dinner to make up for it." She turned around to busy her hands with sorting out food- mostly apples, a few mushrooms and... "Aha!" She laughed, forgetting present company as she pulled out a small bag of chicken jerky. Aria pulled out a small piece of flint before looking around the reception area. No cooking pot. "Of course the pot is outside." She grumbled. "I hope you weren't looking forward to warm food." Aria piled most her stuff back into her saddle bags, leaving the foodstuff out, as she busied her hands and tried not to think about what happened outside.
(Just wandering, you joined five years ago but you don't have a Pokémon partner?) "No worries. And as for the food, you need not worry about that. I have some rations, and I'll share. Anyways, I'm going to go tend to my wounds. Although they're minor, I'd rather not have thorns in my back. Afterwards I promise I'll explain everything, but for now, let's hold that off for a few minutes." Majora got to work taking off his armour, revealing his black tunic underneath. He then took out his medical supplies and began treating the side of his arm. Oh no. I just realized. I can't reach my back, so I can't take them out and properly bandage myself. But I can't ask her, can I? That would be embarrassing. What do I do? After bandaging his arm, MajOra just lay uncomfortably on his stomach, hoping to rest, not knowing what to do about his back. "Hey, can you help me with something? A-actually, nevermind." Majora just grimaced in pain, in need of help but not willing to ask a new acquaintance for it. (Edit: also just wanted to say I can hear my sister playing Breath of the Wild through the walls at full volume.)
(I never felt the need to catch any Pokémon on LV) Aria stared at him, almost missing the question. "Ah- well, I could help," she offered, quickly looking away, her cheek dusting with pink. Get a grip, get a grip, get a grip, Aria chanted to herself as she squeezed the mushrooms and jerky. "And explain what, exactly? Your wounds?" She asked, glancing back at him.
Majora clearly missed that blush, oblivious as usual. Oh, she doesn't know? Eh, I'll still be honest. "Ok, ok. I guess you don't know or remember, but basically, I was sitting in a tree, thinking, when I saw you take out that blue Bokoblin with your horse. I originally jumped down to talk to you, but I decided against it. Then I thought it would be fun to leave you with a surprise, so I threw a smoke ball and went back into the trees before you could notice. Then I... saw something? that scared me because of my past, and I took of running, ending up here. Speaking of which, where is this? All I know is that this is some small village. Anyways, I stumbled into here, not thinking anyone would take me in, so I hid behind a bush and lay there. Then you came into this village and I decided to watch you again. I went back to my spot to gather my belongings when I tripped and fell into that bush that had thorns in it, and, well, you know the rest rim there. My back is now covered in the thorns." She probably knows I'm hiding something. Majora starting twitching nervously, only slight, subtle movements that Aria could only notice if she happened to be staring at him.
Aria dropped her mushroom. "You did WHAT?! That was you?! You... You... ARUGH!" Aria screamed and whirled around, crossing her arms. "Did you even THINK how Blueberry would react? You nearly got me thrown off my horse AND I almost lost my grandfather's halberd!" Aria scolded at the wall, the blood moon- having to be in Kakaiko and now this! She felt her patience with the world snap. Her finger dug into the chainmetal of her great-grandfather's coat and she glared at the wall, stubbornly staying silent. A knight never turns down those in need. Be more, Aria, be a knight in all but title! Aria scowled some more as her father's words echoed in her head. She should have gone to the stable. She should have not invited him inside. But she had and Aria ground her teeth in frustration. "Do you want my help removing those thorns or not?" She finally addressed him.
(Alright, after I post this I won't see anything till tomorrow. I should be in all day tomorrow but I'm going to bed since it's 10:06PM) Woah. Did I something to offend her? Having a hurt expression on his face, Majora quietly replied. "Woah woah woah! Look, Aria, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I swear! It was only meant to be a joke. I never meant anything by it! I'm just so lonely, I have nobody to talk to," Slowly, Majora felt the anger boiling up. "You, on the other hand, you have a family. Even when you aren't with them, at least you have a horse! I just wanted to have fun for the first time in ages!" Majora tried to jump up but instead he just fell back down, only in more pain. He calmed down after that. "Look. I'm sorry for that prank. I didn't want any harm to come between you or your horse. I don't deserve your help." Majora sighed, "If you don't want to help me, I totally understand."
(Same) "It wasn't funny," Aria pointed out. She forced her fingers to relax and put her arms down at her side. "Must be nice to be footloose and fancy free without the expections of your family weighing you down," she countered. She gave a bitter laugh and shook her head. "If you want to make it up to me- I have a contract to defeat some mounted bokoblins at highland stable and I could always use an extra hand." Aria sighed again, her anger slowly simmering down. "You can't keep the thorns in the wound- it'll become infected and the sheikah do not share their secrets with outsiders."
"Trust me, it's not. The reason I don't have a family is because of their pressure. They kicked me out, disowning me. According to them, I-I was a failure. They weren't even my birth parents. They stole me from some poor family in the village, claiming me to be theirs. But they hated me, cast me out, with no supplies." Majora had a tear rolling down his cheek, but the tears turned into anger. "A day later, I came back and stole everything I could carry, including those smoke balls. I eventually came across a knights broadsword. I used that instead of those terrible Yiga blades, killing my family. But I didn't stop there. I killed that Yiga clan. Maybe even my burt( parents. It didn't matter to me. All my life I've been betrayed, because of the family who weighed me down. As for me and the sword, I can certainly get your contract done." Aaand now she's probably creeped out. I shouldn't have told her that much. Crap.