Okay so we can agree a DAMN lot of the worlds best music comes from the UK, especially ranging from the 60s-early 2000s. Which are some of your favourite British musicians and bands? Yes, you're allowed to list the Beatles.
I can't think of any specific ones that I like, but I do agree that a number of them have had an impact on the music world over the past 50 years.
For me, it would be Glass Animals by a long shot. There's something about their music that I just can't explain, but to date, I haven't found a song by them that I dislike. I usually have their stuff playing in the background when I'm relaxing.
British music is amazing. My Q & A is literally titled "Ask Her Majesty, David Bowie" so I think that speaks for itself . . . I also love Queen and the Beatles (obviously).
Beatles have been a mainstay in my life. I own a "#1" album that has all their songs that topped the chart at the number 1 spot that I love.
There are loads of British bands that I love, but my absolute favourite is the doom/stoner metal band Electric Wizard.