Is there anything you want right now? Is it something that you can easily obtain? Growing up, were there many things that you wanted that you couldn't have for one reason or another?
I want out of this college life. When I was growing up, I really didn't want much of anything. Maybe a new lego that I found interesting, but over time, my want has grow less and less and now its to the point where I barely want anything, but good food, good friends, more time in the day, and my college diploma.
I really love keychains and I have a bunch on my backpack. I always want more so that if one breaks, then I can replace it. But I have so many that I don’t think people want me getting any more. I get them when I can though. I’ve also been wanting to get UsUm for a while now, but my interest in getting the game is starting to decrease.
I could go for a sandwich right about now. Aside from that, there's not much that I want as far as material possessions is concerned, and I've been like that for a long time. Whenever christmas or my birthday comes around, I'm asked what I want, and my honest answer is "nothing". If I did want something (like a sandwich) I would get it myself. Same with wall art or clothes or games. Even if you look through my amazon history, you'll only see necessities there. Body wash. Supplements. Socks. I just really don't want things, and there are few things I need.
Something I really want right now? Nope. But you can say I wanted many things when growing up. Like, my personal phone, a drawing tablet, a make-up box, clothes!.., etc. Can't remember other (many) things.
Like Absolute Zero, I could also go for a sandwich. Or just any food. I like collecting ds and 3ds games but I have absolutely no money LOL. Im hoping to atleast get a semi-complete set of ds games and maybe 3ds games one day! Maybe also move on to collecting special edition systems too!
Switch, dad was supposed to get it 2 days ago but we had a accident..a $1000 accident... so that's on the back burner again. I've known the difference between wants and needs since a young age, as I grew up poor and couldn't have everything my peers did. Sometimes now I struggle with setting stuff aside to plan payments on it later as I'm happy that it's in my range.. but I'm getting better. I have a plushie addiction and growing up I would desire a ton of them but didn't get every one that I wanted. Such as a giant plush of Hamtaro, a Dratini plush, and a Zoura plush as well. Now I'm trying to clean out my collection as I'm in the process of my second 'move' and I can tell it'll be hard.
Oh, I want a whole bunch of things, though I think right now my number one want is a that I can then buy everything else that i want (mostly books) without feeling guilty about it.
I want all my anxieties and worries to disappear. That would be amazing. Some self confidence would be great too.
I’ve been wanting a PlayStation Vita for the longest time so I could play some of the older Persona games without having to get a PS2. That and for all of the retro and indie titles on the system. My Mom accidentally told me she ordered one for my birthday next week, so that’ll be exciting.
I totally understand where you're coming from. My undergraduate life is coming close to an end, and I am READY for it. However, I'm going into higher education administration/policy/leadership, so I won't be leaving college for a while... Right now, I'd love to sleep and just have all my homework completed. Yet, here I am, on Lake Valor, ignoring my homework. I'm at work right now, and will be for another hour and 20 minutes, though.
Usually I'm not one to have many material desires, but lately I've really been wanting an iPad Pro for file storage and browsing, but primarily for creating art. I tried it out briefly with the Apple Pencil and it was a really enjoyable drawing experience. Would also love a display case to showcase my huge Love Live! collection, hahaha.....