I'm opening up a new shop so that you, yes you, can order custom sprites from yours truly. Actually this is my second attempt at opening up a sprite shop here (hence the thread name) but the first one didn't end up attracting any customers. Still, I figure that I might as well give this another shop. I mostly stick to recolors and light edits, but that's mostly just due to laziness. I can do more advanced spritework when I put my mind to it. Also note that I generally work more with Pokémon Sprites than Trainer sprites. 1st & 2nd Gen Pokémon or Trainer Sprites Recolors: 10 Poképoints per sprite Edits: 14 Poképoints per sprite 2nd Gen Pokémon Sprite Sheet Recolors: 14 Poképoints per sheet Edits: 20 Poképoints per sheet 3rd Gen Pokémon or Trainer Sprites Sprites Recolors: 14 Poképoints per sprite Edits: 20 Poképoints per sprite 4th/5th Gen Pokémon or Trainer Sprites Recolors: 20 Poképoints per sprite Edits: 30 Poképoints per sprite Non-Pokémon Sprites Variable Pricing Samples of my work can be found here.
@Moorlight Gwyllion I honestly didn't think that I would be able to pull this off, but it turned out way better than I was expecting. I've included three color variations here, gray-scale, colored and shiny, though I'll only be charging you for one since that's all you ordered. That will be 7pp.
@BeZaRre That is fantastic! So quick too, I am envious of your swiftness. Scratch spriting takes me days X_X Sending payment now!
I surprised myself with how fast I got it done. Although it was mostly because I decided to try taking a shortcut by drawing the sprite over a shrunk-down version of Mega Aggron's official art. I wasn't sure how well it would work, since I figured shrinking down the art would reduce the quality too much for me to still make sense of it, but it certainly payed off in the end.
Is this still open? I love your sprites and I'd love to have one of my characters in a trainer sprite. If you're still up for it, it's Artemisa (https://toyhou.se/3746619.artemisa#12801764), for the lower part of her body, she'd probably wear something like this (https://4.imimg.com/data4/NY/ES/MY-6198868/mens-formal-brown-pant-500x500.jpg). Thank you!
@Darkmaster006 I had a lot of trouble trying to get the hair color down and it still doesn't look quite right, but this was as close as I could manage while just using shades from the official sprites. The pants are also slight baggier than the reference photo you gave me, but I hope you don't mind. I also improvised the bottom of the vest and the shoe color. I used Winona's Black2/White2 sprite as the base for everything below the neck, while her head is modified from Diamond/Pearl's Parasol Lady. The pink of her sweater and shoes came from Black/White's Madam, the brown of her pants is from Clay, the dark brown of her shirt is from Black/White's Veteran, and her hair is a mix of the aforementioned Madame's hair with that of Caitlin's Platinum sprite. That'll be 10pp, and if you want me to make any minor changes then I will do so at no additional cost.
It's excellent! You did an awesome job. Thanks for improvising the shoe color, since it fits way better like that. Sending you the PP's, thank you so much! I'll definitely come again if that's fine with you .
Hello again, BZ! I see that... no one has come ask for a sprite and that's... inadmissible!! So I will request again, if I may? This time, Aurelia, she's a sweetie: https://toyhou.se/3623072.aurelia For her outfit, I'd love it if she had an orange dress shirt, blue jeans, some sneakers. Something like this: https://i.imgur.com/8VKojie.jpg Thank you!
Wow, I actually kind of forgot I even had a shop, but it's good to finally get some business again. This sprite gave me a bit of trouble and it didn't turn out as good as the last one, but I got there in the end. If you're not satisfied with it, then I can make some adjustments or even try again from scratch for no additional fee. If not, then that will be 15pp. Spoiler: Components B2W2 Cheren (legs, shoe colors) B2W2 Female Cyclist (torso, pants colors) B2W2 Roxanne (arms) HGSS Erika (head) DP Fisherman (shirt and shoe colors) B2W2 Charmander (hair colors)
Hey! Could you draw a Serena sprite wearing something like this? Spoiler Without the helmet or motorcycle of course. Don't draw her pink hat either. Black boots and black gloves please. How much would that be?
@Cherry3Fairy Does this work? I wasn't sure if you wanted long-hair or short-hair Serena, but short hair proved easier for me to make so that's what I went with. This is a 4th/5th Gen Trainer edit so the price is 15pp and if you want me to make any changes to it, I will do so at no extra cost. Spoiler: Components DP Ace Trainer Female (body) BW Nursery Aide (head) DP Lucian (hair) BW Nate (clothing colors) BW Cress (clothing and eye colors) BW Twins (hair color)
I haven't made any sprites in a while, but that's just from a lack of ideas/motivation. If you have something you want me to make, the shop is still open.
Okay, so can ya edit this sprite, to https://lakevalor.net/attachments/heartbreakstudios-avatar-png.3930/ Only difference is, that instead her Pokéball falls, her pen falls. I wanted it for my fanfiction and honey feed account .^-^ as avatar. I do not know if it is to hard. Any other edits, feel free to do so. if I also need to search another sprite plz let me know This is the written ref for it Long blond hair, with pink highlights in them, Blue eyes, with. Some dog ears plz. With a skirt, black boots, and some knee socks, black gloves and a pink top. (I am unsure if it wil l look together with colors) also mind adding a ring on the right hand, a bracelet left and a necklace with a heart shape I pay ya whatever ya want Thanks al ready a bunch.
@Demon in Disguise Here you go. This was a rather complex edit, with a lot of subtle changes that I had to make to the original sprite. If you want me to make any changes, I will do so at no further cost but for now the price for a Gen V Trainer sprite edit is 15pp.
I love it, so much, is it possible to make it slightly bigger? It looks like this right now. its great but possible?
Oh, right. I'm always so zoomed in while making the sprites that I tend to forget how small they actually are. Hopefully this should be a bit better.