I've been offering to breed a lot of Pokémon for people over on the Discord server, so I figured that I might as well start up a more official breeding service here. Basically, if you want a Pokémon that you don't have, or a specific Hidden Ability or Special Ball Pokémon then I can breed one for you (if I have it available). All bred Pokémon are guaranteed to have a minimum of four perfect IVs. You can find a chart of what Pokémon I have available by clicking here. Note that I'm not asking for anything in return for doing this, though if you have something you can give me that isn't already on my list, then I wouldn't mind. If you ask for a Pokémon (or multiple), then I will get to you via Discord or PM to set up the trade.
Since I got shield I could use a Farfetch'd! This is a fantastic service btw, must of taken ages to list everything out.
I know you were going to breed me a Dhelmise, but would you mind breeding me a Rotom as well, please? That one is a pain to find in the wild area. EDIT: Nevermind, I kinda filled my dex out...I found a Rotom about five minutes after this post, which is just typical of me >.>
Now that I have all breed-able Pokémon (except Blue-Stripe Basculin, for now) it seemed kind of redundant to have a full list of what was available, since I'm sure that at least most of you visiting this thread already know what's available in the games by now. As such, I've replaced my original list with two new ones. The first shows what Pokémon that I can breed with Hidden Abilities (which is a very limited selection right now). The second shows off what Pokémon that I can breed into rare Pokéballs, as is grouped by type of Pokéball. I plan on updating both of these lists as I get more available to me, so stay tuned often. Also, if you happen to have any Pokémon with Hidden Abilities/in special Pokéballs, and you'd be willing to trade or lend them to me, then please let me know.