Cereal. If you pour the milk in first, it'll just splash around everywhere and make a mess. Though I wasn't aware that people did it the other way until TheJWittz did his Pokémon TCG stream a month ago. XD
You have the wrong opinion about pineapple pizza, and you dare to use the word 'fiend' about people who view cereal differently than you? You disappoint me. Speaking for myself, I add the cereal first and measure that, and then add the milk in. I did once try adding milk first as an experiment, to see how that would work - it really didn't. Most cereals aren't given to easy sinking. I wasn't even aware people would do that, adding the milk first. I don't think that method actually 'works'.
It must be something where I live because a lot of people put milk in first which I find really weird.
Oh no. No one here pours milk first?!?!well am the weird one here xD. I pour milk first into the bowl and then add cereal. Its mostly because I like more milk and less cereal. I don't know xD
I’ve done both. But usually cereal first. The only time I pour milk first is if I’m not paying attention to what I’m doing.
Cereal first for me as well, if I even use milk sometimes I just eat the ceral on the rare times I actually have some like is chips. XD
I've tried cereal with yogurt. My dad is convinced that is how it is preferred in Europe. I tend to add Cereal first, then milk and top it up with a bit more cereal.
Cereal first so the milk doesn't splash and the cereal absorbs all of the milk that's poured over it.
Cereal first. I've done milk first a few times, either because I wasn't paying attention or because I was curious, but it doesn't work well. I like less milk than cereal, and milk first pretty much guarantees you're going to have more milk. Besides, it's really hard to get proportions right if you pour milk first.
Cereal is always first. That way, I actually know how much cereal I’m having and I can make sure I don’t put too much milk (because I don’t really like milk). Also, the cereal doesn’t get as soggy.
Neither, I dont eat cereal. I usually have nothing for breakfast. Or chocolate milk for breakfast. yeah im weird.