Hello, welcome to my store for powersaved things! [ UPDATE: shinify service is not currently available] [ [ Event Pokémon For Sale ] ] These events are clones, not custom edits, therefore you get the event as it was originally when the event happened. Please check serebii's event database if you want to know more about events. (cloned) Happy Hour Inkay: 20PP [ [ Shiny Pokémon For Sale ] ] *Rowlet, Male, lvl 5, Adamant, Overgrow, Pokéball: 15PP *Miltank, Female, lvl 50, Careful, Scrappy, Timer Ball: 15PP *Oranguru, Male, lvl 56, Bold, Inner Focus, Ultra Ball: 15PP [ [ Items for Sale ] ] You can order as many of any combination of items/multiples of a single kind, as you want. ALL ITEMS (powersaved): 15PP (new discount, 10 each if buying more than one) **Love Balls **Moon Balls **Level Balls **Friend Balls **Lure Balls **Heavy Balls **Fast Balls **Beast Balls **Master Balls **Lucky Eggs * = unknown history, ** definitely powersaved history
Sure, but as I said, I have no idea what the economy worth is here, so I was looking for people to make an offer on things ^ ^'
Items just get held by a random common Pokémon and traded across to you for whatever random you want to send over c: Sure thing c: Feel free to give me a pm and/or poke on the discord whenever you're online so we can make the exchange ^ ^
Updated shop to remove the shinify service for the time being, all other items and pre-shiny Pokémon are still available.
May I ask a question? Can you shinify for ORAS? (I am in need of a Shiny Torchic something desperate)
Actually, if you read my latest post and the header, it was an update to specifically say I'm not doing shinify service atm, although I do it for S/M not ORAS at this stage I'm afraid! It's annoying that the two gens are not trade compatible