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(CLOSED) Calling out for recruits! Commander YH needs you! (LV XCOM Playthrough)

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by YouHoney, Feb 16, 2016.

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  1. YouHoney

    YouHoney Snow wanderer

    Nov 6, 2014
    Welcome Soldier!

    Im about to play XCOM Enemy Within as a LV run.
    What is XCOM? XCOM is kinda like Pokémon conquest and Final Fantasy Tactics. Turn based Grid Strategy game. But with Humans vs aliens.
    In all Simplicity I request you to participate. You see in XCOM you can edit your soldiers outlook and i ask you guys to but yourself or your "Avatar" in to my ranks.

    Interested in defending Earth? Is it the adventure that you seek? Or do you just want to kick some ugly alien butt? If your Answer is yes then here is what you will do:

    For the name of your character, i need a First name, Last name and a nick name

    Example: Will "Honey" Smith

    Preferred gender (Male or Female)
    Skin Color
    Hair Style and Color
    Facial hair (If any)
    Glasses (If any)
    Preferred Color of Armor. (Armor has Black under color)

    NOTE: I would like if the nick name would be something tied to you LV user name for emotional purposes

    Unfortunately i cant change your Nationality or Class. Classes Will be Randomized Between Heavy, Support, Assault and Sniper.
    Some of you will also have Psionic potential or you will be turned into Cyborgs.

    One person can make max 2 characters. Here is how you make a contract.


    (Give me a funny message)

    Username: YouHoney
    Name: Will "Honey" Smith
    Gender: Male
    Skin: Brown
    Hair: Short Black
    Facial hair: yes Goatee
    Glasses: No
    Color of Armor: Pink

    It should be noted that if you die in XCOM, you are gone. No respawns.

    Your Characters Status will be Updated in this thread.

    Like this:

    Will "Honey" Smith
    Assault (Cyborg)


    Leonardo "Yamcha" Dicaprio
    Cause of death: Drowning

    You will be informed if (when) your character dies.

    I look forward to see new recruits.

    Let us protect mother Earth.

    Remember, We will be watching.
  2. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    Username: Megarai111

    Name: Mega "Morgle" Raichu

    Preferred gender (Male or Female) Female

    Skin Color White

    Hair Style and Color Brown ponytail

    Facial hair (If any) ..no :P

    Glasses (If any) no.

    Preferred Color of Armor. Blue! :D

    Username: Megarai111

    Name: Egam "Elgrom" Uhciar

    Preferred gender (Male or Female) Female

    Skin Color Black

    Hair Style and Color Blond ponytail

    Facial hair (If any) ..still no :P

    Glasses (If any) No

    Preferred Color of Armor. Red

    (See what I did there? ^^)
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  3. Wyxamex

    Wyxamex No Man

    Feb 15, 2016
    Okay I'm gonna join u because.. I don't know. I'll just imagine you begged me to. That's a nice mental image =w=b

    Username: Wyxamex

    Name: Damien "Wyx" Daemon (counting on first death right here the one named demon demon is 10/10 gonna die =w=')
    Preferred gender: Male
    Skin Color: White
    Hair Style and Color: half-long black
    Facial hair: no
    Glasses: yes
    Preferred Color of Armor: Red

    Name: Deirdre "Chara" Scian (okay this one is real original, the last name is Irish for knife bc the first name was Irish too. Appreciate me =w=)
    Preferred gender: Female
    Skin Color: white
    Hair Style and Color: Shoulder-length brown
    Facial hair: No
    Glasses: Nope
    Preferred Color of Armor: Green
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  4. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Username: BiohazardSr

    Name: Jack "Hazmat" She'via

    Preferred gender: Male

    Skin Color: Tan

    Hair Style and Color: Shaggy hair. Auburn

    Facial hair (If any): goatee

    Glasses (If any) sunglasses if possible

    Preferred Color of Armor. Gray with red highlights. Just red if that's not possible

    Name: John "Little" Macintosh

    Gender: male

    Skin color: medium tan

    Hair: Little Mac's hair essentially

    No facial hair

    No glasses

    Armor: black with green highlights. If you can't then just green
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  5. Northwind's Call

    Aug 15, 2014
    lmao why not

    Nicholas "Northwind" Anivia

    Preferred gender (Male or Female): Male
    Skin Color: White
    Hair Style and Color: Brown, whatever hairstyle looks the messiest like someone just got out of bed in the morning
    Facial hair (If any): None
    Glasses (If any): None
    Preferred Color of Armor. (Armor has Black under color): Purple, blue, then red, in that order if any of them are unavailable.

    $5 says I die first lmao
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  6. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    Bob "Loremaster" McSpackle
    Preferred gender: Male
    Skin Color: White
    Hair Style and Color: Parted Black hair
    Facial hair: None
    Glasses: Yes
    Preferred Color of Armor: Yellow

    That should be it. Let's see how heroic my character becomes
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  7. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    I was going to do this as well, but you beat me to the punch. Oh well.

    Marc "Madness" Valor (Couldn't think of a better last name)
    Preferred gender: Male
    Skin Color: White
    Hair Style and Color: Short and messy, dark brown.
    Facial hair: A large beard if possible
    Glasses: None
    Preferred Color of Armor: Purple. Not a bright purple, but a very deep purple like the kind Rome used. I forget how color works in XCOM, but if you can do secondary colors then something like a gold color would be appreciated. JUST LIKE ROME.

    Can't wait to see how I die.
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  8. Maantijger

    Nov 23, 2015
    Username: Blast
    Name: Zeno "Blast" Jaïr
    Gender: Male
    Skin: Pale
    Hair: Brown
    Facial hair: Nah
    Glasses: Naaaah
    Color of Armor: Purple >_>
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  9. VetleIce

    VetleIce School Kid

    Mar 28, 2015
    Username: Vetleice
    Name: Vetle "Moggy" Mogstad
    Gender: Male
    Skin: whitest boii this side of equator
    Hair: Short brown/blondish
    Facial hair: pfft no
    Glasses: No
    Color of Armor: Cyan

    Username: VetleIce
    Name: Hatty "Shine" Hattington
    Gender: Male
    Skin: White
    Hair: bald
    Facial hair: nope
    Glasses: No
    Color of Armor: green
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  10. Derahex

    Nov 14, 2014
    If I make a contract, do I get a Soul Gem?

    Username: Derahex
    Name: Rik "Derahex" Teal
    Gender: Male
    Hair: Medium-short. Messy, greasy black.
    Glasses: None
    Color of Armor: Crimson
  11. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Username: Fantasma
    Name: Carlos "Fantasma" Banzer
    Gender: Male
    Hair: Black short hair nothing messy
    Glasses: Sunglasses if you can
    Color of Armor: Black

    Lets Remove Aliens For the Motherland comrade o7
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  12. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    Username: [member=Bionic Puppy]
    Name: A "Wilde" Dohnoot (Alphie Dohnoot)
    Gender: Male
    Skin: White
    Hair: Mid-Explosion Curley Brown
    Facial hair: Nope
    Glasses: Monacle
    Color of Armor: Cream

    Good day, I am but a donut
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  13. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in your Boot

    Level 4
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    Username: Karzarill
    Name: Alastor "Karz" Fisher
    Gender: Male
    Skin: Tanned
    Hair: Short dark brown
    Facial Hair: n/a
    Glasses: n/a
    Color of Armor: Dark Green

    Username: Karzarill
    Name: Dmitri "Rill" Jason
    Gender: Male
    Skin: White
    Hair: Messy brown
    Facial Hair: n/a
    Glasses: n/a
    Color of Armor: Black
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