I am the very, very small minority when I say I enjoy cole slaw. But perhaps I’m not as alone as I think? Why is cole slaw so universally hated? Why do you like or dislike it? Discuss!
Coleslaw + fish = hell yes although it seems to differ depending on where you get it, like Seattle coleslaw is much different that Metro Detroit coleslaw lol still one of go to sides, other than fries, when ordering fish
I can eat a container in 2 days. It depends on the type of coleslaw, though. Vinegar coleslaw tastes bitter to me, but mayonnaise coleslaw is my favorite.
Mayo cole slaw is the best around, honestly. But yeah, I agree, and it also depends on who makes it. I'd say it's very easy to make bad cole slaw.
Nay, I say! I've never actually had it before as far as I can remember, it just smells really gross to me. Also isn't it made of fermented cabbage?
I'm not that big of a fan when it comes to cole slaw. To me, it doesn't really have any flavor (unless you add a few things to it), it's alright with the right recipe, otherwise it aint that great.
It was mentioned on Discord that coleslaw is a Dutch invention, yet I have never ever seen it until I went to the KFC. Like what even is coleslaw?
I actually love coleslaw. If there is any available at a meal I always have some on my plate. I love the taste of it.
I've never had vinegar coleslaw, but I love mayo coleslaw! Especially when it's homemade, because you can control how strong the mayo flavour is.
I enjoy myself a good coleslaw, but I usually don't eat it when it comes as a side and wont seek it out anyway. Does anyone else feel like when you're at dinner, either one person eats everybody's coleslaw or nobody eats it at all?
Cole slaw is fine in smaller amounts, but some restaurants give way too much of it in their portions. I can only handle the mayo so much.