Yay, congrats! You and your adorable art totally deserve it! Enjoy your beautiful avatar on the front page for the next month. Sure hope you stay part of our community for a long time!
Congrats AeroHail!!! I am so glad you are our Member of the Month. You really have been such an amazing member this month
Congrats on being member of the month Aero! Too bad we couldn't congratulate you yesterday thanks to a certain mishap
W-what?? I'm in actual shock right now?? Thank you so much! I may still be pretty shiny new here but I have never felt more at home with an online community as I have done here. Thank you so much every one! ;w; <33
So I want to make sure about this, but AeroHail and DeathxVictory having donator ranks is a separate incident and completely coincidental, right? Either way, it's a good chance to see you in the limelight, AeroHail. Your presence is always appreciated here, and I hope you'll stick around even after April is long over.
Congrats! Remember that this isn't a high point, but instead a new beggining. Thank you for being a part of LV and I hope that your future here only gets brighter XD
Congratulations on the epic title of MOTM! You deserve it for being such a warm and welcoming presence on the forums! Live long and prosper, friend!
I know I'm late to the party, my deepest apologies! Congrats Aero for making motm! You are awesome and we all look forward to having fun with you as time goes on. You are a well welcomed member and lv really wouldn't be the same without you
Yooo, congrats on MOTM! It's quite an honor to gain the title, so make sure to enjoy it. You deserve it!