You two have worked super hard and I am excited that you get to be the new super moderators! Congrats you two and I am excited to work more with you both
To be quite honest, I thought that Super Moderators were now a thing of the past. Glad to see we've got ourselves some new ones, and I know that Eclipse and Marine will do marvellously in their new roles (which, despite being here for almost 3 years, I still can't differentiate from a regular Mod )
Congrats guys! You seriously deserve this. It's nice to see the Super Mod spot come back, and even greater to see the two of you in it!
Fuyoh! Congratulations on your upgrades promotions to Super Mod! I'm absolutely certain that you'll both do amazing in your new roles!!
This is going to be rather tricky (and difficult!) to make an individualised response to everyone who has responded in this thread, so first I'll make a group response for everyone, and then try to go down the comments one by one. First off, I'm surprised to see that the Super Mod group actually came back. I know back when it did exist, right around mod application time, that a lot of people were expecting me to go blue, since I was the most senior non-admin staff member at the time (an heir apparent, almost), and there was an auspicious void of dark blue names, so there was a fairly large ruckus about it (remember 'DDD for Super Mod', anyone? Tonochi the Hype Starter does, that's for sure), though with what looked like an indefinite close of the group, it seemed like it would simply live on in our hearts, and Wolfey's constant jokes about the Super Mods doing all sorts of great work for LV. Well, I do do great work, my child, so surprise. As to whether or not I 'deserve' the position or will 'do well' in it, that has never been a factor to me, nor will it ever be. (Well, the 'doing well' bit probably is, but that's more so because of obligation, and a personal desire to earn my keep.) It's a responsibility I've accepted, and one I will perform without complaint and to the best of my ability. I know I said something like this back when I got modded the first time, and that's because nothing has changed except for my area of influence. ...And the colour. I really really like dark blue, so that was part of it. I hope to stay this way for quite a long time. And I have an absolutely wonderful partner in Marine to assist. It'll be like the Writers group all over again, except on a much grander scale, so from a personal standpoint, I'm glad that she in particular is my cohort, due to how well we've worked together in the past (and how I may or may not have been somewhat responsible for getting her modded in the first place). Now, on to the individual bits! @Cadbberry Is this thread a subtle revenge for me having unintentionally stolen your thunder on a number of occasions? If it is, that's fine, because thunder stealing can and should work both ways. @OurLadyOfWonderland A week? Is that all? If you're going to be confused, take a whole minute or take at least 2 weeks. @Chris The main difference is that s-mods collaborated with admins directly on several larger site issues and projects. So while outwardly their duties appeared the same, they had more behind-the-scenes things to take care of as well. Other than that, not much difference, and I plan to keep doing as I have done before, just with 1 or 2 more other bits. @Achromatic Happy to be joined. I will use this ability for LV's good as best I can. @Sheep You knew it? Tell me, are you psychic? Because if so I want your powers. @Shindou Takuto I'll bet you have. <3 @luxuryluxray And thank you for being around and stirring up all the activity that you have. Seriously, I see you posting everywhere; good on you. @BraviaryScout And a Mele Kalikimaka to you too! ...wait... @Vigilance I'm expecting even more questions from you in the future. Will I be wrong? We'll see... @ConfettiCat You're welcome! Seeing the fruits of one's effort, even if subtle, is always a joyous experience. @SkittleBox Thank you, my child. I will do my best. @TheIllusionFox Should I do some kind of pose or something to commemorate the occasion? @Torian680 ayy what are friends for, right? @AeroHail Thank you! does the flattery mean that Marine gets to order things for free now @Karzarill So did you. It's not the same shade of blue, but it's still blue. @MayhemMcKoi I certainly hope I do! But you're probably right. I've done well before in my previous role, so I'm sure that will continue onward. And finally, and most importantly, @MarineAurora We're in this together again. Now let's kick some ass, and more than just KK's.
I'm sorry if my congratulations are a bit latd! CONGRATZ TO THE NEW SUPER MODS <3 You both really do deserve this, and you guys worked so hard that it isnt a surprised you got this rank <3 Congratz again!
I think that Eclipse has said everything that needs to be addressed, but I will try to say something as well. @Cadbberry Happy to be able to continue working with you and the wonderful members! I am excited to have LV continue growing. @OurLadyOfWonderland I am going to be confused as well for a while. But we will get used to it. @Chris Thank you very much I will try my best. @Achromatic Happy to join and help out however I can! @Sheep Thank you so much! @Shindou Takuto You must have known more than I did @BraviaryScout Thank you! @luxuryluxray We all do our parts to make it great! So thank you as well! @Vigilance Thank you so much! @ConfettiCat I am happy yo put in an effort for the wonderful members here! @SkittleBox I will do my best! @TheIllusionFox I will try my best to help LV out and keep my S. Mod spot. Keep the blue alive! @Torian680 Thanks. @AeroHail Thank you so much! I will be back soon enough to pay for a new beautiful piece. No favors needed @Karzarill Thanks! You are blue to you know, just a bit lighter @MayhemMcKoi Thank you, the upgrade was highly appreciated @Eclipse I am very happy to be able to call you my partner once more! On a bigger scale now, but we work together great! Let's take some names and kick KK's behind! @Vallicena You are still in time, thank you! We will keep working hard.
KK TORTURE!! YAY!! (Why it's so much fun when it happens I have no idea) CONGRADULATIONS ARE IN ORDER!! Are we going to blow a big party now in celebration?