This thread was made in order to congratulate [member='karatekid770'] on his new status as a Moderator! I'm so proud, he's grown up and become a man now. A karateman. *weeping in the corner*
Congratz to our newest Mod! I have so much faith that you'll do great as a Mod! I HAVE FAITH IN YOU, MODERATOR OF WIPPOR SQUAD! k_hand: :wippor: (i know the emotes wont show up on LV dont roast me pls)
:muscle: :wippor: You know, I'm not at all surprised at this. And if we were to be honest with one another, I don't believe many of us would be surprised at this turn of events. Not that we're complaining, mind - I think you will be the perfect fit for the job. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Now gimme treat for this too, anyway you deserved it. A karateod xD. Chop all rule breakers lol. XD Congratulation and have fun with your post *insert long happy message here* HOPE xD you do your duty well
I'm late as hell... congratulations nonetheless! Nice to have you on staff, as one of the most known members here I'm sure you'll do well. ^^