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Event Creatémon Challenge: Oktoberfest Edition

Discussion in 'Valor Archive' started by BZRich64, Oct 1, 2020.

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  1. BZRich64

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    Monthly Creatémon Challenge
    Oktoberfest 2020 Edition

    What Is The Creatémon Challenge?

    The Creatémon (that's "Create-A-'Mon") Challenge is a monthly event where you, the wonderful members of Lake Valor, can work on creating your own Pokémon that fits within a certain theme that changes from month to month.

    Rules & Regulations

    • Each entry must include a name, type and visual representation in order to account. Other details may be included but are not required.
    • Any art style can be used for the visual part of the entry.
    • All submissions must contain at least one Fakemon or alternate form created specifically for the event. Evolutions/pre-evolutions/alternate forms of official Pokémon will be accepted unless stated otherwise in the monthly them. Evolutions, etc. of pre-existing fakemon that you created may be included in an entry as long as you add at least one new form for the event, which must be specified in your post.
    • Entries may be submitted as individuals or worked on in teams. If you want to work in a group, then one member will submit the entry here, with a list of everyone who worked on it and what they did.
    • All submissions must follow the rules of Lake Valor. This means that your entry can not include any offensive or NSFW content.
    • Absolutely no plagiarism. Any participant caught plagiarizing will be disqualified.
    This Month's Theme: Monsters

    It's that time of year when we celebrate everything spooky and creepy. A time when ghosts and goblins and ghouls of all sorts are allowed to roam free. Your theme this month is to create a Pokémon based off of the creatures of the night that prowl this fine Hallows' Eve. Vampires, werewolves, mummies, whatever horrors your nightmares send you. It's time to be scary, it's time to be creepy, it's time let the chill running up your spine take control and guide you.


    1st Place: 200 pp + Oktoberfest Winner's Medal '20
    2nd Place: 150 pp + Oktoberfest Participants Medal '20
    3rd Place: 100 pp + Oktoberfest Participants Medal '20
    Consolation Prize: Oktoberfest Participants Medal '20

    All Entries Must Be Submitted By Wednesday, October 28th at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. Any posts submitted or edited after that point in time will be disqualified. The voting thread will be opened shortly after that.
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  2. PoserPanda

    SS EGG 2
    (Giratina Egg (Altered))
    Level 74
    Oct 14, 2018
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    It's a mixture of a boar, and a vampire.
    Egg "Cradle"

    Name: Piggrunt
    Male or Female.
    Pokédex Entry: These child Pokémon have
    the intelligence of a four-year-old.
    They dress in black or dark blues
    to blend into the night time.

    Name: Blud Fangsage
    Pokédex Entry: The male of this species of Pokémon
    must be full of blood, to use his wings.
    Otherwise, they shrivel up and painlessly fall off.

    Name: Blud Harmanagg
    Type: Dark / Normal
    Pokédex Entry: The female of this species cannot fly,
    and are more likely to fight rather than try to get away.

    Name: Loard Sawsage
    Pokédex Entry: Both Pokémon gain an intelligence boost
    when they evolve into their final stage.
    They learn to use saw blades for chopping up the
    vegetables that they grow.
    The Pokémon lose their fangs
    (and sometimes tusks as well), before becoming vegans.
    While most Pokémon are safe, Grass type Pokémon
    become the Sawsage's only source of food.
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    #2 Oct 3, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
  3. Gazi

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 9
    May 27, 2018
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Legendary Triforce ★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    sketch1602121197694.png Aqualus, the swamp Pokémon.
    Type: Water/Grass
    Pokédex entry: This Pokémon started as two separate creatures that relied on each other so much that they became permanently connected. It's always looking for new additions, and when it sees a person or Pokémon that it likes it tries to pull them in to join it.
    I wanted to go with a monster that's still well-known, but not nearly as popular as the obvious ones, so I went with the creature of the black lagoon/swamp monster. When I originally drew it it was just going to be a somewhat kappa looking creature, like a lanky turtle with vines and moss everywhere, but the finished shell ended up looking like another face, so I went into that.
    PoserPanda likes this.
  4. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    Purrten, the witch Familliar Pokémon
    This is based on a tumble post I saw forever ago. I’ve tracked it down https://crayfishcoffee.tumblr.com/p...r-people-see-an-intelligent-animal-with-a/amp
    The concept is the same as the post, though the art is all mine.
    Purrten - these kittens gather around those who have high magic potential. It’s said that those who involve them in their live will see great things happen.
    Familine - evolves at lvl 25 (random)
    These cats are said to see the future and place themselves where they can observe the most interesting outcomes
    Histroll - evolves at lvl 25 (random)
    This change indicates the growing power of the cat. As it grows in strength, it’s intelligence begins to improve. Some have even reported that they can begin to speak.
    Witchat - evolves from Histroll at level 40
    Having mastered the wild magic within, witchat learn the power of any local herbs and can find anything that is safe to consume. Trainers who maintain strong bonds gain the loyalty of the witchat
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  5. BZRich64

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    Vamptera (Vampire+Chiroptera), Hypnotic Pokémon
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Abilities: Infiltrator, Regenerator, Poison Heal (HA)
    The eye-like designs on their wings are known to have a hypnotic effect on other Pokémon, which allows Vamptera to send its foes into a trance so that it can suck their lifeforce through its fangs. They are also known to have an obsession with counting small objects such as grains of rice.
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