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Event Creatémon Contest: Oktoberfest Edition

Discussion in 'Valor Archive' started by BZRich64, Oct 6, 2022.

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  1. BZRich64

    BZRich64 King Dododo

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    Creatémon Challenge: Oktoberfest Edition

    What Is The Creatémon Challenge?

    The Creatémon (that's "Create-A-'Mon") Challenge is a monthly event where you, the wonderful members of Lake Valor, can work on creating your own Pokémon that fits within a certain theme that changes from month to month.

    Rules & Regulations

    • Each entry must include a name, type and visual representation in order to account. Other details may be included but are not required.
    • Any art style can be used for the visual part of the entry.
    • All submissions must contain at least one Fakemon or alternate form created specifically for the event. Evolutions/pre-evolutions/alternate forms of official Pokémon will be accepted unless stated otherwise in the monthly them. Evolutions, etc. of pre-existing fakemon that you created may be included in an entry as long as you add at least one new form for the event, which must be specified in your post.
    • Entries may be submitted as individuals or worked on in teams. If you want to work in a group, then one member will submit the entry here, with a list of everyone who worked on it and what they did.
    • Submissions and winners may be shared on the official Lake Valor Twitter account (@lakevalorforums), but only with the artist's permission.
    • These are your creations, which naturally means that you are free to use your Creatémon submissions for whatever you want outside of these challenges.
    • All submissions must follow the rules of Lake Valor. No offensive or NSFW content.
    • Absolutely no plagiarism. Any participant caught plagiarizing will be disqualified.
    This Month's Theme: Witchcraft

    Spooky seasons has come once again, which means its time for another creepy Creatémon theme to go with it. This year, you will be designing a fakemon based off of the concept of witchcraft, though how to choose to interpret prompt is up to you. What kind of horridly magic or magically horrid design can you come up with?


    1st Place: 100 pp, Oktoberfest Winner's Medal '22, +1 Entry to a special giveaway at the end of the month
    2nd Place: 75 pp, Oktoberfest Participant's Medal '22
    3rd Place: 50 pp, Oktoberfest Participant's Medal '22
    Consolation Prize: 10 pp, Oktoberfest Participant's Medal '22

    All Entries Must Be Submitted by the end of the month. Any posts submitted or edited after that point in time will be disqualified. The voting thread will be opened shortly after that.
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  2. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    Don't wanna do like last month and never get around to posting, do here's my entry this month:

    Creat-a-mon 2022_20221016223327.png

    Sweefer roam the dusty lands around the local enchanted forest. If they impress one of the Wyvroom, they will be taken as an apprentice.

    Wyvroom live in the enchanted forest and cook up all sorts of secrets. They are known to care for the wekk and curse those who don't respect the forest they travel through.

    Both Pokémon have the ability Clean Sweep which has a 30% each turn to clear stadium hazards like stealth rock.

    Happy Halloween!
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    SAF likes this.
  3. Gazi

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 9
    May 27, 2018
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Legendary Triforce ★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    sketch1667146714680.png sketch1667146774467.png Magit, the mage Pokémon.
    Type: Psychic/ghost
    Pokédex entry: This Pokémon uses its magical abilities to change its appearance and trick people or catch them off guard.

    Honestly, I drew the bottom design, but as I was adding the colors I noticed that the purplish blue and skull made it look very cat like as opposed to bat like, so I made an alternate form, so we have cat form (top), and bat form (bottom)
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