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Creatémon Voting: December 2020

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by Count BZcula, Dec 30, 2020.


December 2020 Creatémon

  1. Frosraq (Gazi)

    4 vote(s)
  2. Calfreeze line (HiddenLore)

    4 vote(s)
  1. Count BZcula

    Count BZcula The Mustachiod Machamp

    Late For A Date
    Level 19
    Jun 12, 2017
    Only two submissions this month, which means that everyone's a winner! But only one of these will be able to get first place, so choose which you think deserves to the position.
    [​IMG] Type: Ice/poison
    Frosraq, the deceptive Pokémon.
    Pokédex entry: This Pokémon emits a toxic gas that can cause hallucinations. Because of this, even people who have seen this Pokémon don't know what it truly looks like.

    Based of an ijiraq, a shape-shifting creature from Inuit mythology. From what I can gather, they kidnap and then abandon children, and are also known for being able to lead even the most skilled hunters and navigators astray.
    I knew that I wanted to do an ice/poison type, because they're two of my favorite typings, and there hasn't been a Pokémon with this typing yet. I was excited when I came upon ijiraq, especially when I saw that a possible scientific explanation behind this creature is toxic gas under the ice in certain places being released when people walk on the ice, and the gas then causes hallucinations.
    And here I thought it would be really difficult to find something that works for an ice/poison type.
    Ice type
    Ability: Refrigerate, Fur Coat
    Calfreeze rely on their mothers to survive their first year, as she will protect her child from any danger. When they reach their first year, they strike out on their own.
    Evolves from Male Calfreeze at lvl 30
    Ability: Refrigerate, Huge Power
    Bullizard patrol territories, constantly moving to make sure rivals don’t take their territory. If two Bullizard meet, they will lock antlers to defend their space.
    Ability Ice Body, Grass Pelt
    Evolves from female Calfreeze at lvl 30
    Cowinter are generally peaceful, and will focus on eating well. When they are watching a calfreeze though, they are aggressive, even challenging Bullizards that may threaten their child.

    1st Place: 100 pp
    2nd Place: 75 pp

    All Votes Must Be Submitted By Sunday, January 3rd at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. The winners will be announced shortly after and prizes will be distributed accordingly.
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