In honor of the constant influx of relationships starting on Lake Valor, I feel it may be appropriate to have a thread to give your dating advice to other valorians. Whether it be serious (find true love), sarcastic (don't be stupid), trolly (man seeking a woman and another man seeking a woman are OTP), or just depressing (never seek love its overrated)... and a mix of all variations may even be better! All I ask is those who read this take it with a little common sense and judgement lest you take advice the wrong way My advice to you... When going on a date... have fun, and be yourself. If you cannot do both at the same time, do not worry too much. Although it is probably best to end said relationship, at least there are many many other people for you to date. Statistically your relationship probably would have ended anyways, so you may as well end at a sensible time
Treat other people the way you wish to be treated. Don't let someone else's decision to be in a relationship with you (or not) affect how you value yourself, nor see it as an "attack". Everyone is entitled to their own point of view.
I have literally no advice. I'm single. #ForeverSingle But from reading too many autocorrected text messages...always check messages before sending them so you don't write something you'll regret? #MissingNo
Dating advice...well..... Have fun.... Stay in limit..... Treat your gf/bf nicely and don't do anything which can make your date feel like you are insulting him/her. ■Above all, Date A Person Only If You Have The Courage Of Making Him/Her Your Wife/Husband!■ Love's not a game! REPEAT! Love's not a game!
Communication is essential in every relationship. Don't be like those people in romantic comedies who go through so much drama because of a simple miscommunication. Listen to your partner and make sure they listen to you.
Treat your crush like a human instead of "the one." Get to know them and be their friend first! I feel like a lot of people are afraid to be friends with their crush because it'll put them in the "friend zone", but I don't see what's wrong with that. If you start off as friends, your crush/partner will trust you much more than any other acquaintance.
Get to know the person you're interested in, I cannot stress this enough. It's important to know what you're dealing with so you can know what and what not to do when you're in a relationship, should it happen. This can help you communicate better and understand each other better as well.
>Don't do anything unless your date gives you the permission...? > Avoid picking up phone-calls and replying to messages. That can make your date feel like you aren't paying much attention to him/her. > Hold hands while walking. That'll create a cute atmosphere and also can make your face blush a bit.... ;P > Focus on the topic. Avoid those "the weather is good, isn't it?" lines! Talk about each other and also compliment your date often.
A relationship is not all about intimacy. Be sure to respect your partner's opinions, even if you disagree. At the same time, make sure they respect your opinions! If not, then you'll come off as submissive. Remember, you're just as big of a part in a relationship as your partner! Don't lie about anything either. Sooner or later, your date is going to find out and it can get very embarrassing depending on what. It also destroys trust, which can kill a relationship FAST