For those of you who participate in events (Inktober, zines, etc) or do commissions/requests, you've probably found out that they have a set deadline that the person/event would like you to finish it by (more often with events, as my personal experience with commissions is that I communicate with the client to make sure I get it done at an acceptable time period). How well do you stick to deadlines? Do you pace yourself or do you rush at the last minute? I've done both LOL. With commissions I try to pace myself more though. If it's something like Inktober I don't care as much about deadlines.
I try to set a goal of 7-10 days to complete a commission, though if it takes longer, I make sure to notify people. Currently at a two week drawing atm between design block and classes, but I've settled on something I'm pretty sure both I and the commissioner are satisfied with, so hoping to finish it by Friday
I used to be good with deadlines, it all depends on my life circumstance. I used to write 3k words of a fanfic per week without exception. These days, however? For the past two months I've tried to do a WavePearl writing prompt every week, but have only 70% or so kept up with that. Even if we're talking about schoolwork etc, I'm terrible with deadlines there as well. If it's not due tomorrow, I'm probably not doing it until the day before. Maybe two days if it's big.
Heh, I'm no good with deadlines, unless there will be consequences for me not doing anything. If somebody needs me to draw or write something, I'll put it off for a while, but in most cases, I'll have it done in time. On the other hand, if it's a project I'm just working on for myself, or if I don't know if anybody's reading it (e.g. most of my fics), they usually end up discontinued because I never finish them.
I have been pretty good with being on the deadline for my semi-daily challenge with Hrae. (A lot of the Pokémon I drew have been from that challenge)
I'm absolutely horrible with deadlines, I tend to do thing like at the last minute. Something I did 50/50 with my semi-daily challenge with Morg. Pretty sure I was even late at one point.