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Do Valorians dream of mareep?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by BiohazardSr, Nov 5, 2015.

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  1. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    What do you commonly dream about? Have you ever had any strange drama? What were your nightmares as a kid? Do you still have them?
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  2. mweep

    mweep The Roaming Legendary

    Aug 7, 2015
    I dreamt I was a kitsune. Then I was killed, my head cut off. Then I was a dragon, and I was trapped in a net, and killed. Then I was a pack of wolves, shot to death. Then a mother fox, watching her kits skinned for their pelts. Then I saw the earth on fire.

    Yeah... happy dreams

    Overall, I think this was my brain's weird way of reminding me that animals have lives, and the world is dying, and a way of expressing my environmentalist nature.
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  3. Garudarocks

    Jul 19, 2013
    Shooting people.

    I have dreams of warzones a lot xD
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  4. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    Simply stating what our dreams are is not enough to describe the whimsical, fabulous dreams that we have! I believe that our dreams come from our massive imagination, ranging from Pokémon, Nintendo, twisted reality, Kid Icarus, The Legend of Zelda, getting lost or exploring big shops, finding Pokémon merchandise in stores and an infinite more!

    When we have nightmares, they're nothing too serious. If they're scary, their scariness fade away as the day passes. Occasionally, I dream of the end of the world and Judgement Day... :O
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  5. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    That sounds like Axe Cop.

    I myself do not welcome dreams, as oftentimes they turn strange and bizarre. If dreams do show up, they are usually unpleasant and result in my having a rather tumultuous sleep. Conversely, peaceful and interesting dreams cause me to sleep comfortable and well, though those instances are very rare.

    My mind works in odd ways, connecting points from various real-life events and spheres together, such that upon my awakening each morning, while the dream is still fuzzy in my mind, I have trouble distinguishing reality from dreams. It's like seeing something that looks like the real article, yet there's 1 small inaccurate detail about it that I don't think strange while in the dream, as my mind is not operating at its optimum level.
  6. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    I don't always remember my dreams, but when I do, they tend to be, ahem, naughty. And you know, that's all right with me. I get to relive nice memories tweaked to be even better. The only downside to it is if I dwell on it too much, I start comparing it to the real world and get reminded that most of those memories are just memories, and will never be anything more again.

    Occasionally, though, I have dreams of being superpowered, the nature of the superpowers depending on what kinds of TV, movies, and comics I've been exposed to lately. Most recently I've had DBZ superpowers (flight, superspeed, superstrength) or shapeshifting. Those are both fun, I guess, and it's fun to fight supervillains and alien invaders, even if it is just in my mind.
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  7. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    When I was a kid, I was an idiot and decided to watch horror films like Hellraiser and Nightmare on Elm St, so suffice to say, I had a lot of nightmares! I remember one in particular about an evil clown that made me afraid of clowns, and to be honest I'm still not over it. (It was 15 years ago)
    Nowadays, my dreams are just sort of weird? Like I play out how scenarios in my life could have gone if I'd acted differently? and then sometimes they just take twisted, nonsensical turns. Another common thing for me is dreams where I'm falling or ones where I've lost all my teeth. You won't believe how much I'm relieved when I wake up with teeth!
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