When it comes to gaming, there are often used games being sold online or in other places. I personally love used games, especially cartridges since they seem well taken care of most of the time. Do you buy used games? How often? Do you check the copy before buying it?
Considering most of the games that I've bought myself have been gamecube games, I kind of have to buy them used. It can be risky, and I'm always super paranoid about spending good money on a game that I can't know what condition it's in until after I get it, but it's worked out pretty well so far.
Not as often as I used to. I generally buy games I want as soon as they're released now because if I don't the prices skyrocket and a used copy will cost me half again the price...people are very greedy when it comes to more niche titles. If there is a game I don't particularly want immediately that is being released by a Western developer than I will almost certainly buy it used, but apart from that...
I almost always buy things used. I used to not but now Gamestop is pretty much my new favorite store lol. The newest game I haven't bought use was, Pokémon Ultra Sun, other then that almost everything after the wii system is used.
Well, I`m largely broke, so nearly every game that I buy is used. Assuming that I have enough money to buy them, that is (usually not the case).
I'm lucky enough to have a classic game shop in my area, so I often go there to peruse what's on offer in the NES, N64, or PS2 departments. They also have new games for cheaper than the big retailers.
I used to get all of my games used, mostly because I only had outdated consoles until my teens. If I remember correctly, the very first game that I actually got new was The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, when it came out back in 2011. Now I buy a mix of new and used.
I buy most of them used. It saves money and is really the only option when you buy older games. Though I do it for newer games too because costs
If I can buy them used, totally. They are cheaper and still the same game I want, even if it isn't wrapped in shrink wrap, so no problem. Used systems are different since there is often something wrong for it to be resold.
Up until the DS came around my games were almost always used. Games are expensive (..I miss when they were $30...now they're $60!) and my dad bought a ton of used items- which every once and awhile included video games. I loved going through the used files before restarting/continuing from where they left off. One Pokémon crystal file had Mew, Mewtwo, Celebi, Articuno, and Moltres as well as a shiny Macargo. Celebi was certainly hacked in, but the other Pokémon had different OTs so they were probably traded in.
Nope, personally. I prefer my games be in new condition, especially since I can afford them that way. The one used game I bought (Mario & Luigi Dream Team) ended up freezing midway so I had to stop playing it....granted it might not even be the previous owner's fault but I kinda lost trust buying those. ):
I buy used games a lot since they tend to be cheaper. I've never had an issue with a game not working. There was one time when a person working at GameStop checked the disc when I bought a used Okami game and there was a scratch on it, so he switched it out. Getting cartridges is fun because a lot of time people have old saves still on them and they're fun to look at.
I buy used games if I can't find what I want new, that usually only goes for older titles or if is one of those games that don't get many copies printed.
Considering I've never run into problems with used copies I will usually buy them if it's an option. Besides sometimes there's a save file still on the game and it can be fun to see what's going on in that file depending on the game.
i used to buy used games when i was younger but now i'll just save up and buy a new version of whatever i'm getting.
A few older kiddie games, but most of the games I bought over the years were new and fresh out of the store.
If the system I’m buying for relies on cartridges rather than disks, I’ll usually go for it. They’re cheaper and generally work. If it’s a disk based system, I usually go new. Never know how many scratches are on there.