If given the option, would you rather be around guys or girls? Do you have a preference at all? Does it just depend on the age of the other person? Does your preference vary depending on your mood? For me, it's easy. By far, I would rather be around boys. In general, girls tend to be very emotional and passionate (this absolutely applies to me), and I'm not always comfortable around such energy. In general I also feel like if I'm just having an off kind of day, the girls will try to cheer me up, often with a hug (which often just makes things worse. I hate hugs), and the boys will be sympathetic, and then leave me alone. These are generalizations, but they're part of the reasons why I tend to prefer the company of boys.
Well i prefer all , Especially Boys , Because im a boy , talking to other boys is more fun than talking to girls
I prefer focusing on the person instead of the gender. There are generalizations, of course, but so many people fall outside them - and those sorts of people are usually the ones I prefer spending time with. The personality, just how approachable they are, means a lot more to me than whether they're a boy or a girl.
I prefer to be around females usually, just depends on their personality. I usually don't quite connect with other boys I guess, so making friends with the same gender is a bit hard for me. I'm just more comfortable around females I suppose, mainly because of my personality and the way I am.
I used to prefer being around guys more than girls, and I guess to some point I still do but for the most part I don't have as much of a preference and I tend to hang out more with a mix of both. Not that I hang out with other people much.
I actually hang out with girls more than boys... ^^' I personally find it's actually easier to talk to girls than guys LOL
Over the years, I've gotten more comfortable with both genders, but it depends on the situation. The people I'm most close to are mostly females, but I tend to have more guy friends. Plus, I tend to shrink when I learn that my guy friend has a crush on me soooooo I try to avoid it if I feel us becoming too close.
I prefer to be in the company of good friends, gender makes no difference to me, neither does orientation. As long as we can be friends and you are a good person, I am more than happy to have you around my friends.
Personality is what dictates who I interact with. I don't interact with those I don't like regardless of gender. The people I do like to interact with tend to be female. I'm very sensitive both physically and emotionally and I often find boys lack of sensitivity to be very...well insensitive. I find that I can relate and talk to girls far easier than I can with boys. Also, I find that girls are more willing to actually talk to me where boys just grunt, ignore or talk to me once and never again.
I don't really mind either boy or girl. It's more towards girls are usually the ones who make a effort to engage in conversions with me. Boys don't do that often. Or at least none of the boys I know.
It depends on the person. I have friends that are guys as well as friends that are girls. Though I usually hang around with girls since I can talk to them without any drama going on, being an introvert and all.