There are 4 main ways. Lucky Egg, but you only get one Pokémon Refresh, it has to be 2 hearts, but not many people have that time. Battle Buffet, the Pokémon used must be of a certain level to be able to win battles. Bewear, think of it as the Blissey farms, but you still need a strong Pokémon to beat it. ​This is what I know, but I need help with just leveling up. Anyone else know any other ways, or any ways to help me level up Pokémon?
Satix made a thread a little while ago about good leveling spots and I found it helpful, maybe it will help you too
It's no guarantee but you can try and get them from people via trading on forums etc, I got one from someone on reddit for example. I also offer them in my market shop here but they are just mass produced from a powersave, so it depends how much that bothers you to know where they came from XD Also, I didn't know the bewear thing, so thanks :'D