So, a few days ago I started writing a piece of fanfiction that will showcase Ash Ketchum's journeys over seven different regions meeting new friends in each one. I've already fleshed out the first region Ash will be travelling to, and I have the other six pretty fleshed out as well. I just need people to sort of "test drive" any of the other regions they feel like going to first. I'll make a poll and you can all vote on which region you'd like to journey through first. My character(s) will be the companions Ash will be travelling with in each region. Your character, however, can be anyone you want. Just fill out the following form and we can get started once your character is accepted! Sign-Up Form: 1. Name 2. Gender 3. Age (Anywhere from 10-18) 4. History 5. Experience as a Pokémon trainer on a scale of 1-10 (1 is complete beginner, 10 is Pokémon Master) 6. Partner Pokémon (Optional and can be from any region) 7. Appearance (You may upload a picture if that's what you prefer, or you can provide a description) 8. Personality 9. Type of trainer (League challenger, coordinator, etc.) Again, you can make your trainer anyone you want it to be. They can be an original character, or they can be a character who already exists in the anime or core series games. Also, for the partner Pokémon option, certain Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon are allowed, but they must be at a level that is low enough so you can't just dominate every battle you're in right from the start. Gotta have a little difficulty, right? The allowed Legendaries are: Celebi, Jirachi, Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie, Manaphy, Phione, Shaymin, Victini, Diancie, Hoopa, Magearna, the four Tapus, and Marshadow. Ultra Beasts are also allowed, but, again, must be leveled down somewhat. I'm not sure how many people I want in the RP at once. Just for starters, let's say two or three people other than me. I really hope you guys will enjoy whatever region we decide to RP, and I really appreciate the help with test-marketing these regions and characters!
If you want to see my charcater I’d have for this then just put in LV’s search bar “Meet The Sheriff” If you don’t want to then I’ll go make a bio for him. And if I need to add anything to it then I’ll just post the whole thing here.
Bronze works for me! All I need to know is what kind of trainer he is (Again, League challenger, coordinator, breeder, researcher, etc.) and what evolutionary stage you want Bigjaw to start the RP at
Well, it depends because I don’t know if it’s omay to give him his current team in my fic. He’s not too far yet but he’s a threat.
Alright, let me rip this OC from my fic. First name: Bronze Last name: Ore Age: 15 Ethnicity: Mexican Hair colour: black Hair length: ... I dunno, he has short hair XD Eye colour: Brown Height: 6'0 Build: Tall and stocky with big arms. He's the overweight guy you don't want to call fat cause he looks like he packs a punch. Hobbies: Wrangling up Tauros with his papa, drawing, cooking, not dying to the horns of a Tauros Lives: used to live in Johto in New Bark town, and moved to Alola, Melemelee island Relatives that came with him: Mother, Father, little sister, family Snubull Relatives in Alola: Kukui Z ring: recieved from Tapu Koko Poemon team: Bigjaw the Croconaw (Starter), Luna the Umbreon, White Fang the Rockruff, Bruho Mudbray, Night Wing the (shiny) Charizard Best friends: Hau, Lillie (I'll come up with actual characters if you don't want these) Equipment: Straw Cowboy hat (the cutter style to be exact), fighting stick, and a thick lasso used for Tauros wrangling Trainer Type: Vaquero (Spanish for cowboy) Does this count as a trainer type? Personality: Bronze is extremely aggressive towards his enemies but is chill around his friends. He also has a slight hat obsession... He goes by the phrase "Don't take dung heap from nobody". This is a phrase his papa has told him all throughout his life (including my papa but without the censorship). He's much better with fists than with words. Most would think he's loco. He fights but for self-defense, protecting his friends and loved ones, or just because some jerk ticked him off. He normally fights overly aggressive wild Pokémon to either buy his hurt Pokémon time to escape or if the wild Pokémon attacked him. Bronze, while not fighting a person recently, uses his size and stature to scare off thugs like the grunts from Team Skull. Now you're probably thinking this guy has a death wish but I assure you he's not. He's just more concerned for the well being of others than himself. He's done some pretty stupid stuff in order to help the ones he holds dear to himself. Legend says that hat he wears gives him +5 bravery and +10 stupidity. Bronze is also not exactly arrogant. He never really speaks highly of himself and makes fun of his overweightness. He's competitive with his friends but more of a friendly competitive than anything. This friendly competitiveness goes away if he's battling someone from a criminal organization or a jerk. But when Bronze isn't putting himself in harm's way, he's a nice guy. He'll sit down a talk to ya, pal around with ya, and even pays for the dang meals he has with his amigos. But if your friends with this guy, you know you have someone who will have your back. Bronze will threaten verbally but will act on it too. He ain't spouting no Tauros crud.
Bigjaw as a Croconaw is cool to me, and if you want Bronze to have more than one Pokémon at the start you certainly can. Just know there will be plenty of all new Pokémon to catch in whatever region we wind up setting the RP in. Also, by trainer type, I meant for people to basically put what their character's goals are for their journey. Like, do they want to enter the League, or perform in contests, or simply travel around and grow stronger however they can? You know what I mean? Cowboy is a good descriptive term, but it doesn't really tell anyone what Bronze's goals are so we can form the RP around them. So, what are his goals for his journey?
I guess I wouldn't mind trying this out. Name: Angela Gender: female Age: 12 History: Raised around Eevees and given an Eevee of her very own when she turned 10. Two years she's been with Eevee hoping that one day it would evolve into Sylveon. Experience level: 3 Partner: Eevee Appearance: Personality: Sweet, nurturing, and laid-back Trainer Class: Striving to become a Fairy Type gym leader.
Angela is accepted! Welcome to the RP and don't forget to vote for which region you want it to take place in!
1. Name: Farrah 2. Gender: Female 3. Age: 17 4. History: She was a scholar from Lumiose City in Kalos, striving to become a software engineer for Clemont’s gym. Her Torchic was given to her by her parents, who travelled to Hoenn, and her Pidgey was caught locally. 5. Experience as a Pokémon trainer on a scale of 1-10: Around 6-7 6. Partner Pokémon: Ignis the Blaziken and Aurora the Pidgeot. I can nerf or take away either if you like. 7. Appearance: Farrah has a slim, hourglass build. She wears a green dress, white stockings, and golden heels. She wears a golden chain necklace with a blue gem attached to it. 8. Personality: Farrah is calm, quiet, and cold. She often speaks in a somewhat edgymonotone voice. She prefers to be alone, or only with her Pokémon. She lacks large amounts of empathy, only caring about facts and logic. Despite this, she isn't exactly sadistic. She is willing to make sacrifices for the very few people she really cares for. She also acts somewhat motherly towards her Pokémon. Farrah also has a little bit of OCD, which causes her to constantlyclean and check on her belongings. 9. Type of trainer: Coordinator
I think it would be okay for Ignis and Aurora to stay in their final evolutionary forms. And Farrah sounds like a great character to play off of everyone else. Accepted! Once we finalize which region the RP will take place in, we should be good to start planning possible arcs and whatnot. Speaking of finalizing the region, since we have everyone we need for the RP already, do you guys wanna just get rid of the poll and decide amongst ourselves which region to go to? I feel like that would be a lot quicker and easier for all of us
Let’s go with Mexico so that we can sightsee the Trump wall. I don’t really mind which region to go to. You guys can decide.
Well, two of the three of you want to do it, so yeah! Aztexo it is! I'll give you a little bit of backstory on the region... In ancient times, Aztexo's natives worshipped Dragon type Pokémon because of the region's legendary Pokémon Montecoatl. But then, around 500 years ago, a group of colonists from a far-off land came to Aztezxo. They believed that Dragons were unholy demons that must be slain, so they chose to build a weapon to rid the region of all its Dragons by using a special Pokémon that can wipe out millions of people and Pokémon in mere days. The natives believed that Montecoatl would save the Dragons, but it didn't. The Dragons of Aztexo were wiped out along with anyone who tried to stop the colonists, and the natives lost their faith in their Legendary. 500 years later, Dragon Pokémon are starting to finally return to the region. And, though the people of Aztexo still no longer worship Montecoatl, they have found a light at the end of those dark centuries. But the force that rid the region of its Dragons is still there, and this time it might not stop with only that one species, or Aztexo for that matter. That's basically a summary of the history of the region. I think the adventure should probably start in Benitos City, as that's the first city with a Gym that would also have a contest hall to satisfy coordinators. Also, here's the profile for my character: 1. Name: George 2. Gender: Male 3. Age: 13 4. History: Grew up in Aztexo as the son of an assistant of the region's professor. George has always been interested in science, especially paleontology, and wants to follow that direction as a career path. When he turned 10, his dad let George revive a Pokémon fossil he had found. The Tyrunt that emerged from that became George's best friend and Pokémon partner in the years to come 5. Experience as a Pokémon trainer on a scale of 1-10: Three 6. Partner Pokémon: Tryunt 7. Appearance: Black hair, tan skin, brown eyes, Hispanic, wears a white T-shirt with a fossil picture on it along with khakis and a fedora like his favorite movie character who also studies ancient times 9. Type of trainer: Wannabe researcher Let me know what sort of stuff you want to happen to your characters as well as some possible suggestions for arcs, and we should be able to get started from there. Also, if you have any more questions about the region, feel free to ask me anything you want to know!
Ayy, Brozne is Mexican so that’s cool. Also, he’s coming from the Alola region and his home region is from Johto. I’ve decided his team in this fic will be starting off with his Croconaw and Charizard. I wonder how the natives will see Bronze’s shiny Charizard as.
Excellent! I'm so glad everyone's on board with this region! Now, there are several different possibilities for character arcs we could do. There's figuring out what caused the original extinction of the region's Dragons along with finding out why Montecoatl didn't stop it before, there's the usual Gym battles and Contest competitions for people who wanted to do those, and there's also mastering the new mechanic this region has: Ancient Shards. Ancient Shards are items that are actually fragments of the Earth from the time of the first extinction. These shards are filled with the spirits of the Pokémon that perished then and, when given to a Pokémon, they can give them incredible power, but it also causes a sort of split personality in the Pokémon as they try to control both themselves and the spirit of the ancient Pokémon held within the shard, which makes them much harder to control when the shards are in use. I think mastering how to control the Power of the Ancients will be an interesting plot that will give each trainer who tries to do it more bonding opportunities with their Pokémon, plus the other two things I mentioned will allow all of the characters to learn more about the region and its people. What do you guys think? And also do you have any suggestions for possible arcs that you want your individual characters to go through?