People always look at me strangely whenever I tell them that my mother plays video games. This started when Pokémon Yellow was released - I badgered her for nearly a month to play Pokémon Red. Eventually she caved, partly because the Pokémon craze was very much a thing back then, and in no small part because I was a VERY annoying child. This turned out to be something of a mistake, because until we finally bought her a DS Lite of her own I had to battle with her for who got to use the Gameboy/Gameboy Color/Gameboy Advance to play Pokémon...sharing was important, and if I wasn't careful, I'd find it taken away from me (that was a far more effective deterrent than grounding me) or I wouldn't get any new games, etc. When I got Crystal, she immediately grabbed my copy of Silver. She bought her own copy of Sapphire, Pearl, and HeartGold. I bought her Leaf Green, White, Explorers of Time, Y, and gave her my copy of Sun when I grew disgusted with it. She didn't play it for very long either! She wasn't very interested in the third versions/sequels because she didn't want to play through the same region twice so soon, though. xD But she also enjoys puzzle games - she's better at Tetris than I am; something that frustrated me no end when we used to play Columns on the Megadrive together and she would ALWAYS beat me - and has every Professor Layton game. She also likes Square Enix RPGs! She's played quite a few handheld Final Fantasy games, and more Dragon Quest games than I have. She also enjoyed Minish Cap, and has played every Fire Emblem I've bought. ...I can't get her to touch a console though, and god knows I've tried over the years. TVs are for watching, not gaming. But you can't have everything I guess! My father has been a complete stone wall as far as games go, too...he DID buy a PSP, but that was for the UMD movies rather than the games...and to annoy me, because I desperately wanted one at the time. But enough about me! Does anyone else in your family play video games? Have you ever managed to convince your parents that they're actually pretty fun to play, or roped them into a co-op or party game? Do you have to fight with siblings over who gets to play? Do you enjoy playing games with family members, or is it very much a solo activity for you?
My parents (mostly my dad) are fans of Dr. Mario, and every once in a while I still see them pull out the old SNES and play it. We also occasionally play on the Wii together (mostly Wii Sports Resort, particularly Bowling and Frisbee Golf). Other than that, neither of my parents really play video games and I have no siblings to play with. So unless I'm visiting relatives and play with some of my cousins, I don't really play with family very often.
My dad hates videogames. Not really sure why, since the reason I even know what videogames are is because he had ported a bunch of the old arcade games and whatnot to the Commodore 64 (yes, I realize that I'm dating myself here) and had bought either the original copies of or books to code other games like Spy vs. Spy (which I think I would enjoy even to this day if I still had the Commodore) and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. We even played Oil Barons together once or twice, but as I was a kid at the time I found it pretty boring. My mom, however, is a lot more flexible. While she didn't play any of the C64 games I did eventually get her to start playing Kingdom Hearts, and she loves it so much that she often laments not being able to afford a PS4 so she can play Kingdom Hearts 3 (please, no spoilers/rants/etc.; I know that there are some people upset with the game, but I haven't played it so I'd like to not know what's going on until I play it myself) and contents herself with playing Kingdom Hearts: Union Cross on her tablet. She also played Fire Emblem Heroes from time to time, but isn't as... intense... about it as I am. Our favorite memory, though, is playing Wii Sports together. One of our favorite pastimes is bowling, and back then money was pretty tight, so when the Wii came out with its low price tag and it came with a bowling game we spent a lot of time bonding while playing it. Got a lot of baggage out of our system, though more time was (sadly) required in order to reforge our relationship, but it provided the start we needed.
One of my very earliest memories is my dad playing Super Mario Bros. and helping me through The Legend of Zelda--but he didn't make the jump to 3D until after Final Fantasy XII came out--that game sucked in the whole family (even though I have not reached the end) to the point where an epic boss battle or the harder hunts easily got an audience.
My parents are entirely non-gaming, though my siblings do play. The last time I saw either of my parents playing a video game aside from Mom playing words-with-friends was Super Mario All Stars on the SNES (it's Super Mario Bros 1-3 on one cartridge, I think we had a version that didn't also include SMWorld). Ever since the N64, no gaming from them, though sometimes they'll watch more high-action games like Mario Kart or Smash. I was this close to getting Mom to try out Assassin's Creed Origins, and why not? It's pretty, it's smart, it has adjustable difficulty, and you spend a whole lot of time playing as (and looking at) a handsome and muscular man.
Besides me, the only one in my family who really plays video games is my brother, and if I'm being honest, I don't like playing gams with him. My mom did end up downloading Pokémon Go, and though she doesn't play it often, she'll occasionally help me out with raids, and taking over gyms.
I’m the only person in my house who plays video games regularly. I have no siblings to speak of, and my parents mostly just listen to me talk about them since they know I’m passionate about the subject. Thanks to that, they’ve gotten pretty knowledge. My Mom’s ex (and one my parents) loves Pokémon Go and Ace Attorney. I introduced her to both of them and she still plays them when she isn’t busy with Red Cross work. She enjoys watching me play Persona games. The last time my birth mother tried a game, she played Mario Kart Wii and drove backwards for the entire race. Wii Sports was always a blast. The simple controls, mechanics, and gameplay made it something all of us could enjoy.
My parents don't play video games, I got 2 siblings I know play games but we don't play together anymore ans rarely see each other.
All of my siblings play video games, at least to some extent. However, I don't think my parents have ever played. I'm probably the biggest gamer in my family.
My parents do some gaming sometimes, but it's limited to certain games that they just find funny or cute. One plays Pokémon Go, and both are really into this Japanese drum game on the Switch. Bought the special drum controller and everything. One of my grandparents plays a LOT of 2048, too, if you count that. And Google Solitaire.
My siblings all like to game. My Mom likes Pole Position- that old racing game when we had a Nintendo 64 but my Dad is a bit of a gamer. He plays computer games like Flight Simulator and Civilization but overall, he doesn't game much. I remember when he pulled out an atari and showed us how to work it and when we had a old PacMan game that plugged into the TV- no one could beat his score. But us kids, Super Smash Bros on the 64 was fierce and we loved every second- I have a lot of good memories losing to my brother and even better memories when he lost to me. Even now, my little sibs beg to play it on my WiiU