So i have done an alright amount of breeding, but having good iv Pokémon can only get you so far. I've never been too great at making balanced teams. The game i play is around Pokémon x and y, but doesn't have every Pokémon added. I mean having well bred Pokémon does get me fairly far but i often find out i have a large weakness when it's too late. I just want to see what are some of your favorite Pokémon/teams to use around the x and y gen.
Now that i have confirmation i can talk about it lol, i play pixelmon modded minecraft on an online server. Unfortunately there's some quite popular Pokémon that are missing from the mod but it's still great.
I love using Malamar. Contrary/Superpower is amazing on it, and you can also give it decent coverage options with moves like Knock Off, Foul Play, Psycho Cut, and Rock Slide. Just watch out for Bug types and Fairy types, as Fairies are difficult to hit hard with Malamar's movepool, and Bug types could one-shot Malamar with a Signal Beam.
Currently, one of my favorite Pokémon to use in battle is Ribombee, especially during double battles. Quiver Dance to increase stats, Baton Pass them to another team member, Pollen Puff for damage equal to Bug Buzz PLUS healing, and it's super fast to boot. Also, pair it with an Oricorio and you've got one giant Quiver Dance party. It's crazy. In terms of X and Y though, I actually liked using Slurpuff. But that's only for its hidden ability Unburden. Basically, you have it hold a Sitrus Berry and use the move Belly Drum (only when you know you're gonna have a free turn) to maximize its attack power. It eats the Sitrus Berry to recover its lost health, and also gains a speed boost thanks to Unburden. Then you can sweep with moves like Return and Play Rough. So, yeah.
In X and Y is was for sure Sylveon with dazzling gleam or Talonflame, mine was named Furowrow, with Gale Wings and fly, it was a force to be reckoned with.
I've collected a fair ammount of HA Pokémon, the thing that makes it interesting is the fact that it's a pixelmon minecraft server. Since the makers of the mod are still working on it there's things missing and it tends to change the Meta quite a bit.