#1 Eevee Its just so cute and versatile, and it doesn't really look like any animal in particular, so it's a good example that a new type of creature, to look different than our animals, doesn't have to have like three eyes or tons of limbs or something #2 The Rowlet Line My favorite animal is owls, and these are GRASS OWLS WITH BOWTIES AND THE FINAL EVO HAS A HOODIE AND IS AN ARCHER. Nothing more to be said *mic drop* #3 Altaria It's a friggin CLOUD BIRB. And it's a DRAGON TYPE. And I use it in competitive and it's pretty good. #4 Cherubi So, I was randomizing Pokémon to fuse, and I got cherubi and eevee. (how I got my PFP) Cherubi slowly grew on me, and now it's here
Yes Eevee! Everyone loves Eevees and Pikachus. The Rowlet final evolution (I don’t know how to spell it) looks like Robin Hood or Robbin Hoot XD
#1 Articuno Despite being arguably one of the worst legendaries in the game, Articuno was my childhood favourite Pokémon. Mostly because it largely resembled another non-Pokémon character. Plus it has an elegant and majestic design. #2 Blaziken Blaziken, along with Torchic and Combusken, is my favourite starter Pokémon of all time. Not only is its design completely badass, but it is also great in competitive battling. It was my main powerhouse when I played Pokémon Ruby. Plus I like birds. #3 Pidgeot (Yes, my top 3 favourites are all birds. Deal with it.) Since I picked Squirtle as my starter Pokémon for generation one, Pidgeot came in very helpful when defeating the grass gym. Even though it isn’t a strong Pokémon overall, it has a powerful mega evolution which enhances its speed and special attack.
mine is snivy of course i like green , but snivy is cool whats yours? it is a bit too short but hey this is a post and i can edit it anytime to make it longer also i think that line i just said already make this post longer ;-;
Toxicroak!!!! It helped me a lot during my Pokémon reborn playthourgh.I used it in almost every gym battle. And of course infernape
Sandshrew was one of my favorite Pokémon for the longest time, then Alolan Sandshrew was revealed and I absolutely loved it. I ended up using one in my Moon team and it's been my favorite ever since.
although your favorites are all good my personal favorite is going to ducklet. Not just because it is a duck but because I have it on all the Pokémon games
My favorite Pokémon is Meowth. Cats have always been my favorite animal, so having a Pokémon based on one right from the beginning was great. What also helped was seeing Meowth in the anime. I liked his character. Design was cute too, and I like the ties to basic Japanese customs for businesses. Later on in life, I got my own Siamese cat. Meowth was only a small part of why I got her.
The reason Sylveon became my all-time favorite Pokémon is because my favorite colors are Hot Pink and Cyan or Blue . Anyways, I also love them for their cute design and the way you have to level up Eevee with love and affection. ❤
My current favourite is Litten. I love cats and traditionally always choose a fire-type starter - it's like it was meant for me! Just a shame about Incineroar, really (though I think Torracat is pretty good).
Sylveon and just about any Fairy type are my favorites, but I also love Houndoom, the Eevee line, Furret, and all Ghost types.
My favorite Pokémon from each generation are... 1. Marowak 2. Sneasel 3. Gardevoir 4. Yanmega 5. Solosis 6. Hawlucha 7. Mimikyu But my favorite Pokémon of all time would have to be Mimikyu just because that little guy is soooooooo cute and is pretty useful in battle too
my favorite and the fabulous cradily https://media.giphy.com/media/aLMR3dLaY8XDy/giphy.gif and also mawile http://i1250.photobucket.com/albums/hh522/Kenpacki54/Mawile_zpsl6dq5as1.gif
I'd have to say my favorite is Talonflame. It was the first Pokémon that I ever got to reach level 100. I was so proud of myself and she was really op
I think my username gives this away. It is my favorite mostly because of nostalgia, but also because its unique typing of Water-Steel. It resists over half of the types. Aside from my obvious choice, my next favorite is Volcarona, then Absol, then Ampharos. I never thought much of Volcarona until I transferred it from White 2 into Y and it filled in the last slot I needed on my (in-game) team. It is really helpful. Absol and Ampharos I have always loved since I was a kid, Absol looked cool and the Mareep line looked cute. I also loved when I found out they both got Megas and I love them both!
Lucario has been my favorite for a long time. They probably became my favorite because of the movie, but lucario is so damn cool!!