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Favorite Rival and why?

Discussion in 'Pokémon General' started by Achromatic, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

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    Who is your favorite rival? Please explain in detail why they are your favorite here!

    Mine is probably Hugh. I don't know why, he kind of sucked personality wise but still he had cool Quilfish hair and he was always ready to unleash his rage. Silver was pretty cool too, but I feel Hugh tops him just a little bit in my eyes.
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  2. Slugkid

    Slugkid Slacker Extraordinaire

    Nov 23, 2012
    I don't really think I'll have a favorite so I'll just talk about them all a little. :)

    I like Blue, I like how they've always been rivals, and I always liked the music that plays when you run into him. He also has an ok catchphrase.

    Silver is a beast, he looks pretty badass, and I like how he doesn't care about anything. Then later he "grows" as a person and as a trainer, and I find that change to be pretty good.

    May is really pretty lame. She's boring, and not really a rival at all.
    Brendan is actually a little bit less lame, he brags a little and isn't so annoyingly good with you.
    And Wally (This generation had lots of rivals) is a lot better, but still not that good. I like how he doesn't have a starter as a main Pokémon and how he grows out of his sickness and whatnot.

    Barry sucks. Barry is the worst rival ever and I didn't like a single thing he said until after the elite four maybe.

    Cheren is a good rival I'd say. Kinda boring, but it's like friendly rivalry thing.
    Bianca is just funny. She's so clumsy it usually makes me laugh at her a little.
    And Hugh is actually pretty cool. Even if he gives short answers and might seem somewhat cold, he isn't a dick about it, and he's still your friend. He had a lot more participation during the story, he looks pretty good, and his catchphrase is alright.

    After all this typing, I'll have to agree with Ben. Hugh is a good rival.
  3. Blizzarf

    Blizzarf PKMN Breeder

    Apr 18, 2013
    My favourite rival is Blue, because in the first generation he had different sprites when he was stronger, and in Pokémon yellow, you firsts battles with him decided which eeveelution he would have. Other like silver or cheren are not bad, but the worst of all is barry. Is simply futile xD
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  4. Fluffy_Eevee

    Fluffy_Eevee Black Belt

    Mar 23, 2013
    My favorite Rival is Hugh!
    • His look is awesome
    • His character is great. He always seems to be cool but inside there are this feeling of guilt because of the Pokémon from his little sister. I liked it to guess why he is acting this way until I got it and I was like: awww .___.
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  5. Pizza Bandit

    Pizza Bandit Black Belt

    Apr 3, 2013
    Always liked Silver as a rival, even before we knew more about his back story from the Celebi event (well, and the manga but I haven't read that far). He actually felt like a rival with his harsh attitude toward the player, and it really made me want to whoop his butt every time. :P But the best thing about him in my opinion, is how he changes as a character throughout the course of the game. He realizes what he's doing wrong, and starts caring for his Pokémon.
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  6. OmegaBlazeBoy441

    OmegaBlazeBoy441 Poké Maniac

    Nov 24, 2012
    Silver was my favorite rival. He had the most back story and he was an extremely good trainer. Though he did not care much for his Pokémon his teams were always solid and he had an awesome battle song and attitude.
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  7. ViantaMarshall

    ViantaMarshall School Kid

    Feb 13, 2013
    I have to say the same things as Blaze441 and Pizza Bandit. Silver was an amazing rival and to be honest, I like how he changed from a person who never cared for his Pokémon to one who actually did care in the end. I also loved how bulky and strong his team was and how they all looked so fierce.

    My second is Wally, because I like how interesting he is and how he's an ill boy who grows stronger when he travels on his journey. And even though he's not some jerkish rival, I find that it's nice to have a lovely rival like him and I recognise him as a cool person really. I also like Blue because even though he was a jerk all the way through, I loved how he was the only rival who really became a champion and his team rocked.
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  8. Sekigahara

    May 25, 2013
    I'm probably going to catch Hell for this but N is my favorite rival. I know what you're thinking "Uh, Seki? N was part of Team Plasma. I dun think he counts as a rival."

    That's not how I saw things. Sure, N was Team Plasma's puppet leader but he was more involved with you than any other other villainous team leader in generations past so I think he more than qualifies as a rival. I liked him because he was so genuine in his thoughts on human and Pokémon relations. I always looked forward to seeing him.

    I also like Silver. Yeah, he had daddy issues the size of Texas but just watching him grow and knowing I was helping him (with help from Lance) always leaves me satisfied. He was tough at times but a very worthy rival.
  9. Crashbird

    Mar 9, 2013
    Barry. He's an annoying little shit and practically provokes you so badly you want to smack him. As in he doesn't provoke you to beat him in a Pokémon battle but to beat him for real. It's a neat difference compared to the other rivals. And I just really like his design, haha. Spirit trainer right there.
    Another thing would be because he reminds of my legit childhood rival. I grew up fighting with a guy who was a spit out Barry personality wise, if not even worse. And we were rivals mostly in Pokémon related things, too. You know, Pokémon tazos and TCG as well as other various forms of children rivalry that was available in kindergarten. Even now that we ran into each other 10 years later we can't stand each others guts, still fighting like two 4year olds. And yet somehow we're still really good friends??
    Man, those were some good times. Guess the nostalgia plays it's role as well.

    It's a huge disappointment how May and Brendan were so uncool. To be honest, May/ Sapphire and Ruby are two of my main favorite Pokémon characters.
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  10. EmeraldGlee

    EmeraldGlee DESPAIR FOR ME!

    May 15, 2013
    I have to say Barry as well. He may not be awesome as a rival for battles and junk but I really like his hyperactive personality. I have to go with Crashbird for this one. My best friend for years is sooooo impatient. She always drags ME around. I can totally imagine both of us in Barry and Dawn/Lucas's friendship/rivalry thing. With Barry dragging Dawn/Lucas around wherever they're supposed to go and junk, it reminds me of all those out of breath moments I had trying to catch up to my dearest. I look at Barry like this annoying little brother you have to look out for. He's just too awkward and cute. XD
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  11. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    Id say Silver, but since I'm playing Ruby through again, I gotta say Wally. I actually tried to throw the match in front of that gym so he could have the confidence to challange it, but it just sent me to the Pokémon Center D: Poor Wally isnt allowed to win apparently.
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  12. GarchompIsBlaziken

    Jun 16, 2013
    I think its a tie between Blue and Silver, because they were both mean and jerky enough to make you want to rip them limb from limb in an intense battle to the death, but turned out nice in the end. Plus blue was the only rival to become champion, if only for a short time. Silver also had a compelling but sad back story as well.
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  13. MissLight

    Jun 14, 2013
    I have to say Barry, I love that little guy >.< I just can't explain it haha, but he's my fave. Then it's either Silver or Brendan, I liked Brendan's personality but sometimes it just seemed a little too flat and boring. Silver was awesome with his personality and all, but I think I still like Barry a bit more.

  14. Shadow Blaze

    May 17, 2013
    I've got to go with Cheren, assuming he counts... He was a character from the beginning of the game who you battled from time to time... Yeah, I'm going with it.

    I liked how nerdy he was. He just knew stuff, and it was interesting to have a character that acted, pretty much how I do about mythology about Pokémon... If that made any sense what-so-ever. I just liked Cheren as a character, I guess. He wasn't really the rival that you anticipated having a battle against, but he was still a good character overall.
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  15. eeveeongirl

    eeveeongirl Collector

    Aug 25, 2013
    I have to agree with Sekigahara, I always viewed N as a rival more than a villain since he was trying to what he thought was right and everything that happened at the end of the game. He really made it seem like we were equals, but he still wanted to see who had the better way of raising Pokémon. Plus his personality was just so well done and I love his design.

    Silver is also a favorite but only because he cleared out victory road for you in soulsilver and heartgold, easiest victory road i ever had to go through and i loved it
  16. Fizzysoda

    Fizzysoda Valor Lake Cryptid

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